"Beyond the Finish Line: The Hidden Dangers of Success in Vaccine Development"

Luis Sánchez Álvarez, a graduate in Pharmacy from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a doctor from the University of Oviedo, spoke yesterday about vaccines in the “Aula Salud” of the La Serrana cultural association in collaboration, in this case, with the association of former workers in the Aviles health area. Sánchez, with a long professional career, is now responsible for the Primary Care Pharmacy service in the Aviles area. Yesterday he explained what an infectious disease is, what tools the body has to prevent them and what role vaccines play in this process.

–The flu vaccination campaign has just begun. Why is it important to get vaccinated?

–We must be aware that the flu is not a banal or mild illness. In older people or those with chronic illnesses, the flu can cause a serious illness that requires admission to the hospital, deteriorating their health enough that they can no longer function on their own and become dependent. of caring for other people, or causing death.

–Has the covid vaccine made us more reluctant to get new punctures or just the opposite?

–Well, there is a little bit of everything. The need to repeat vaccination against covid-19 to maintain protection has become tiring to some people, but especially to those who have a more or less normal state of health. But the most fragile and most at-risk people, such as the elderly and people with chronic diseases who are targeted by the vaccination campaign against flu and Covid-19, are generally aware of the importance of protecting themselves against these diseases and come to to get vaccinated without reluctance. There the health system has to make an effort to facilitate access to vaccination, with quick appointments and appropriate schedules.

–The denialist, anti-vaccine movement reemerged strongly, especially after the mass vaccination against covid. What is the risk of not vaccinating a child?

–This is associated with the general increase in the spread of hoaxes and fake news on social networks, in all areas of life, not only in reference to vaccines. The point is that it is a topic that feeds on itself, since those who follow these sources are those who are already convinced. It is more worrying that the more general media echo this false news. One thing to keep in mind is that vaccines work very well, so well that in countries where vaccines are properly vaccinated, such as in Spain, we do not see those large epidemics that occurred before we had vaccines and that caused the death of many children. young age.


–There is a risk that vaccination could become less successful and that since these diseases are no longer seen, some may not want to be vaccinated. As long as there are only a few children who are not vaccinated, they will not have many problems, because by being vaccinated the majority of the population will be protected (group or herd protection). However, if the number of unvaccinated people increases, then we run the risk of those old epidemics appearing again and, in that case, the unvaccinated children will be the ones who will get sick and may even die.

–I asked him about the children. But vaccines are not just for the pediatric population.

–One of the most important changes associated with vaccination schedules is that they have become a lifelong vaccination schedule. It is true that there are vaccines that focus more on childhood, but there are vaccines recommended for all ages. In adolescents and young adults, it is important to check that they have completed childhood vaccinations, and therefore rescue vaccinations are performed to ensure that they are correctly vaccinated. For adults, there are many vaccines indicated depending on the type of work they do, certain lifestyles that increase the risks of some diseases, and when international trips are made to areas where there are special risks that can be prevented with vaccination. In addition, several vaccines are recommended for pregnant women with the main objective of providing protection to their children before birth. In the elderly, when there is an increase in the number of people with chronic diseases, with treatments that reduce the defenses, or due to age itself which also means that the defenses no longer work as well, there are vaccines that are especially indicated.

–Infarctions in young people, strokes…. There are those who attribute these problems to vaccination, again, against covid. Is there any scientific evidence?

–Here we are talking again about fake news and twisted and interested interpretations of the facts. Shortly after the start of vaccinations against Covid-19, some very rare adverse effects have begun to be detected, which have been appearing after millions and millions of people have been vaccinated, without major problems. I would like to make the following very clear: before the final marketing of a medicine, vaccine in this case, a large number of people have been part of the pivotal clinical trials necessary for its authorization. With these data, the most common adverse reactions have been detected. However, the work does not end when vaccines are approved. As with other medications, regulatory agencies implement pharmacovigilance systems to monitor and detect very rare adverse effects, or those that may appear exceptionally after some time since the administration of the vaccine. It is the obligation (by law) of health professionals (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc.) to report any suspected adverse reaction. Citizens can also report suspicions not only through their doctor or nurse, but also through the website: www.notifyam.es,

–Cholera, monkeypox… to what extent should we be concerned?

–Well, precisely these two diseases are problems that are closely associated with humanitarian catastrophes in countries subjected to armed conflicts and civil wars, with populations taking refuge in overcrowded camps and without adequate hygiene and accommodation conditions. If you really want to prevent these problems from reaching the most developed countries, the way to do it is to help solve the conflicts and the lack of social and economic development in those countries.

–While it is difficult to get your arm ready for a vaccine, there is an abuse of all types of drugs…

-It’s true. It’s something difficult to explain. Vaccines are used to prevent diseases. As I explained in the session, the intention of vaccines is to prevent infection, reduce admissions and complications derived from said infection. This would reduce, in most cases, the use of drugs and antibiotics among them, with which there is a great Public Health problem, due to their abuse and the appearance of resistance derived from it. We are in a situation of medicalization of any problem of daily life, in which normal aspects of life, such as aging, stress and even a love disagreement in adolescents, are considered medical problems that require treatment.

–What is the problem?

–This can lead to excessive dependence on medications and the pathologization of everyday situations. I take this opportunity to coin that if this happens on many occasions and we also have real pathologies that must be treated, we end up having polymedicated people who will then have to withdraw unnecessary medications due to the risk of adverse reactions, interactions, lack of adherence due to the high number of tablets…

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