Venezuela Plagued by Child Abductions: OAS Denounces Heinous Crimes Against Minors

Venezuela Plagued by Child Abductions: OAS Denounces Heinous Crimes Against Minors
  • Luis Almagro, secretary general of the organization, released a text in which they set out their position and allege that these acts correspond to “crimes against humanity.”

Luis Almagro, secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), released a statement from the organization on October 10 expressing repudiation of reports of “kidnapping and torture” of minors in detention centers in Venezuela. and described them as “crimes against humanity” that must be punished.

In the text, the OAS points out the existence of “chilling” audio recordings recorded inside prisons where “minors are tortured with electric shocks, blows, lack of food or even victims of sexual abuse.”

The OAS also rejected the fact that there are minors accused of crimes such as terrorism and treason, which is why it described this action as “irrational.”

Furthermore, in the statement the OAS condemns these events as “crimes against humanity that constitute a new legal dimension of international criminal responsibility of the regime’s authorities.”

Venezuela Plagued by Child Abductions: OAS Denounces Heinous Crimes Against Minors

As an international community, we must ensure that they do not go unpunished and, to this end, we will continue to adopt measures at the international level to ensure that they are effectively brought to justice,” concludes the text published by Almagro on his account. X (Twitter) during the morning of Thursday, October 10.

In Venezuela there are 1,916 political prisoners, according to the records of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Foro Penal. in a balance released until October 7. Of this number, 70 are adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17, who are linked to participating in the post-election protests that have taken place since July 29.

Allegations of torture and irregularities against adolescents in Venezuela

Foro Penal reported that there are 157 women and 16 people with disabilities among those detained since July 29
Photo: EFE

The Llanos Human Rights Foundation (Fundehullan) warned on October 10 that a teenager detained in the post-election context was “put on trial without evidence and without access to a lawyer.”

“This hearing occurs 2 months and 10 days after the arrest, violating all the procedural lapses established in the Lopnna,” the organization wrote on X (Twitter).

On October 4, relatives of eight adolescents detained in the post-election context reported that on the night of October 3 they were “tortured” at the Caraballeda Adolescent and Female Preventive Detention Center, in La Guaira.

The Venezuelan Prisons Observatory (OVP) published an audio in which the screams of several people can be heard.

“Heartbreaking screams from mothers and children were heard at the Caraballeda Adolescent and Female Preventive Detention Center, in La Guaira, where eight adolescents accused of terrorism remain,” the NGO wrote on X (Twitter).

According to the complaint, the relatives also claimed that the affected people throw away their food and attack them “whenever they want.”

Other irregularities

Relatives demand information about the whereabouts of the prisoners who were transferred from the Tocuyito prison
Today, soldiers guard part of the Tocuyito prison, in the state of Carabobo, city of Tocuyito (Venezuela). | Photo: EFE

The NGO Justice, Encounter and Forgiveness (JEP Venezuela) warned on September 27 that the adolescents detained in Valencia, Carabobo state, days after the July 28 elections, are being pressured to admit acts that “they have not committed”.

“We warn that any statement obtained under duress is void of any nullity. It is important to remember that these young people have not had access to trusted defenders to represent them in judicial processes that have clearly violated due process,” the NGO wrote on X (Twitter).

The institution, which monitors and offers attention to cases of human rights violations, demanded from the authorities the full and unconditional freedom of the adolescents. JEP Venezuela also reported that the detainees have been victims of “threats and harassment” and “psychological shocks” that have led them to develop “stress episodes and panic attacks.”

The NGO pointed out that the situation worries their families, which is why they urged the authorities of the justice system to prevent further abuses and violations of the dignity of adolescents.

“We call for the restoration of respect for their rights and compliance with due process. We insist that all these young people must be released fully and without conditions,” concluded the statement published by the organization in X.

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