South American Leaders Unite Against Maduro’s Brutal Regime After Horrific Abduction and Torture of Innocent Venezuelan Children

The Secretary General of the OAS denounced that the Maduro regime kidnaps and tortures minors in Venezuela and demanded the cessation of these crimes (National Campaign Command of leader María Corina Machado and Edmundo González)

The secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagrodenounced this Thursday the regime of Nicolas Maduro by kidnap y torture a minorsespecially in the weeks after the July 28 elections, in which he proclaimed himself president-elect.

In a statement, the official charged against “the atrocities committed by the Venezuelan regime”, which he accused of having lowered “their limits of humanity and decency to the worst levels of barbarism”thus resulting in “crimes against humanity” against the youngest. Likewise, Almagro mentioned the existence of “audios y reports “from torture centers” in the country, which are “chilling” and expose how minors “They are tortured with electric shocks, beatings, lack of food and even sexual abuse.”

“Their pain and their screams are an unavoidable reason for all democrats Let us unequivocally demand the end of barbarism in Venezuela”, he stated.

Almagro called on the international community to demand “unequivocally the end of barbarism in Venezuela” (EFE)

Thus, the Secretary General requested the immediate release of all minors, as well as “to put end to all types of torture and that those materially and intellectually responsible for these infamous crimes are brought to justice”. The OAS condemns “in the strongest terms the atrocities committed (…) These crimes against humanity (…) constitute a new legal dimension of international criminal responsibility of the authorities of the regime,” he added, while urging the international community to work together for this cause.

“We must ensure that do not go unpunished and, to this end, we will continue to adopt measures at the international level to ensure that they are effectively subjected to the action of Justice,” he concluded.

The last balance sheet of the NGO Criminal Forumwhich dates back to this Wednesday, stated that in Venezuela there are 1,916 detained for “political reasons”that is, 11 more than those reported in the previous count. Of them, 1,846 are adults, while 70 son teenagers between 14 and 17 years old.

These are found detained for “irrational and unfounded accusations such as terrorism and treason” and they are tried in processes that are not very transparent and lack guarantees and access to private defense.

In Venezuela there are 1,916 political prisoners, of which 70 are adolescents between 14 and 17 years old (AP)

“We want the freedom of our children because they are not terrorists“said the mother of one of the kidnapped people, weeks ago.

Just as the OAS did, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights He also expressed his repudiation of the post-electoral situation in Venezuela. In a letter, the IACHR warned that minors are deprived of their presumption of innocence, their judicial guarantees are violated and they are prohibited from contact with their families.

“The IACHR expresses special concern for some complaints of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment (…), reiterates that the right of girls, boys and adolescents to participate in matters that affect them can be exercised collectively (…) and recalls the obligation of States to adopt effective measures to protect the life and personal integrity of people deprived of liberty”, added the text.

“There is a duty of the State to provide special protection for ensure safe spaces for their effective participation (…), which implies the right to be heard as a group and participate in public life,” the organization insisted.

(With information from EFE)



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