Bearing Silent Testimony: When Innocence Meets Unrelenting Brutality

Barriers, cars removed, checkpoints and the entire area of ​​the Jewish quarter of Rome cordoned off on the occasion of the celebrations to commemorate the victims of October 7th. One year after the Hamas attack on Israel, the ceremony began inside the Tempio Maggiore in Rome, in which several representatives of local and national institutions also participated, starting with the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni. Twelve months ago, “the Israeli people experienced one of the most dramatic pages in their history. Let us not forget the inhuman aggression perpetrated a year ago by Hamas. We always have before our eyes the massacre of thousands of defenseless civilians, including women and children, and the contempt of their bodies, shown to the world without any mercy. Our thoughts are constantly turned to the hostages, torn from their families and loved ones, and who are still waiting to return home today”, declared the Prime Minister.

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Remembering and strongly condemning what happened a year ago “is not a mere ritual, but the prerequisite of every political action that we must carry out to restore peace in the Middle East, because the reticence that is increasingly encountered in doing so betrays a latent and rampant anti-Semitism which must worry everyone. And the public demonstrations of recent days have, unfortunately, confirmed it”, said Meloni. On this day, “we reiterate Israel’s legitimate right to defend itself and live in safety within its borders, but also the need for this to be exercised in compliance with international humanitarian law. We cannot, in fact, remain insensitive to the enormous toll of victims innocent civilians in Gaza, victims twice: first of the cynicism of Hamas, which uses them as human shields, and then of Israeli military operations”.

The latest techno and then the horror: one year since the Hamas massacre in Reim

The consequences of the Hamas attack “have triggered an escalation on a regional basis which could have unpredictable outcomes. It is everyone’s duty to bring back the dialogue, working to achieve a de-escalation. Italy, also as the rotating President of the G7, will continue to strive for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, for the release of the Israeli hostages and for the stabilization of the Israeli-Lebanese border, through the full implementation of the United Nations resolutions. We confirm our support for all the efforts of mediation carried forward, and our commitment to work towards a lasting political solution, based on the two-state perspective”, added the Prime Minister.

#eyes #massacre #defenseless #civilians #Tempo



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