Code Red: Earth’s Vital Signs Are Failing

A group of scientists recently prepared a report that showed that 25 out of 35 vital signs are at their worst levels ever in 2023.

If left unaddressed, the outcome of these changes will be profoundly destabilizing for human and non-human life, with societal collapse now emerging as a serious possibility.

Earth’s “vital signs” is a term used to describe key environmental indicators that provide important information about the state and health of our planet, and include carbon dioxide levels, sea level, temperature, ocean acidity, air quality, along with population and resource consumption, among others.

Scientists are monitoring our planet’s “vital signs” such as sea level rise, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and Antarctic ozone, as well as surface and ocean temperatures that are changing due to climate change.

The report published in the journal Bioscience says that levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere have reached record levels, driven by emissions from fossil fuels and landfills, and the human population is increasing at a rate of about 200,000 people per day, and the number of cattle and sheep by 170,000 per day, causing Increased emission of global greenhouse gases.

“We are already in the midst of a sudden climate disruption, endangering life on Earth in a way humans have never seen before,” said Professor William Ripple, from Oregon State University (OSU), who co-led the assessment group.

As a result of warming, billions of people are exposed to extreme heat. Those most at risk are residents of countries such as India in Asia, where heat waves of up to 50 degrees Celsius have been reported.

Scientists fear that this warming will also cause the collapse of the huge glaciers in Greenland. Experts have already expected the Doomsday Glacier in Antarctica to collapse earlier than expected.

“Only through decisive action can we protect the natural world, avoid profound human suffering, and ensure that future generations inherit the livable world they deserve,” the assessment explained. The future of humanity hangs in the balance.”

Source: Mashable

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