Silenced Halls: Campus Crackdown Claims 15 Student Activists in Wake of Contested Vote

Silenced Halls: Campus Crackdown Claims 15 Student Activists in Wake of Contested Vote
  • The Human Rights Observatory of the University of Los Andes highlights that, in addition to the students, several professors are also detained | Photo: EFE / Reference

The Venezuelan authorities are detaining at least 15 university students, who were captured in the context of the crisis generated after the controversial re-election of Nicolás Maduro in the presidential elections on July 28, the Venezuela Observatory reported this Wednesday, October 9. Human Rights of the University of Los Andes (ODH-ULA).

In a press release, the organization explained that a total of 45 young people were apprehended in the context of the post-election crisis, but it estimates that 30 have already been released, although some of them are subject to precautionary measures – such as periodic appearances in court – or sanctions. administrative.

At least 15 “remain in prison, accused of crimes of terrorism, incitement to hatred, treason, conspiracy and resistance to authority,” the letter highlights.

The young people are students of universities such as the autonomous Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Universidad de Carabobo (UC), Universidad de Oriente (UDO) and the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB).

Photo: EFE / Reference
Silenced Halls: Campus Crackdown Claims 15 Student Activists in Wake of Contested Vote

Faced with threats and intimidation, some university students have decided to flee the country or remain underground for fear of being arrested, while others have reported persecution. All the cases registered by the ODH-ULA respond to State terrorism practices implemented by Venezuelan officials,” the observatory continues.

The report also reports on four university professors detained and one exiled, all after the elections, whose official result was denounced as fraudulent by the main opposition coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), and has not been recognized by numerous countries. .

“The ODH-ULA has known of cases of other university students who remain in hiding after receiving threats of arrest for their activism in opposition political parties,” the letter adds.

Arrests on the rise

In Venezuela there are 1,916 detainees for “political reasons,” according to updated information this Wednesday by the NGO Foro Penal, which leads the defense of these prisoners.

The post-election crisis has unleashed protests that, according to the Executive, caused 25 deaths and more than 2,400 arrests, figures that exceed those of Foro Penal.

However, the NGO highlights that its figures are different from the official ones, since it only counts arrests that it considers “arbitrary.” Since 2014, the NGO has registered 17,882 “political arrests,” of which 14,000 have been released.

On September 26, the Vente Venezuela party indicated that 154 opposition politicians are detained, including leaders and former officials.

The situation has led to complaints about inadequate conditions in prisons, where detainees face problems with food and medical care.

With information from EFE

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