Amidst the Ruins, a Beacon of Hope Emerges

Peloponnese Newsroom

Maria Bakodimou recently faced an adventure with her health, as a result of which she had to be hospitalized in the ICU of a well-known private hospital.

The well-known presenter was discharged on Monday morning (7/10) and returned home, while on Wednesday she made her first post on social media, sending a meaningful message.

“If someone asked us what are the 5 important things we want in our lives, would you put normality in there? And yet maybe it should be first on the list. In normality you have ensured that you and those you love are well. He hasn’t rang a c@@@phone to hear bad news. Perhaps the English proverb “no news good news” is right. Let those who live in their normality enjoy it, even if they complain about its boredom”, wrote Maria Bakodimou in the caption of her post.

Check out this Instagram post.

This post was shared by Maria Bacodimou (@mariabacodimou)

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