Höfli Community Unites Behind Visionary Education Hub

Sustainable materials are used in construction. Source NYX architectes

The residents’ council approved the special loan of 44.94 million francs for the replacement building for the Höfli school building. The loan will come before the population on February 9, 2025.

The residents’ council is in favor of the new Höfli replacement building with a clear majority: on September 24th, it approved the special loan for 44.94 million francs with 21 votes in favor, 1 against and 6 abstentions. The Die Mitte, SP/Greens and FDP/GLP factions campaigned for the replacement building. After extensive planning work, a very good project is ready for construction, was the tenor of the parliamentary groups. Only the SVP parliamentary group objected, arguing that the party was in principle in favor of building a school building, but the report and proposal left many questions unanswered, especially from a financial perspective. That’s why the SVP group abstained from the final vote.

The yes to the loan is an important milestone in the Ebikon municipality’s school space strategy and paves the way for the planned new Höfli replacement building. Next, the population of Ebikon will finally decide on the loan at the municipal vote on February 9, 2025.

Review: The former Höfli school building had to be closed in 2018 due to increased naphthalene pollutant levels. Since then, lessons have taken place in temporary school buildings (makeshift arrangements) on the Höfli site. However, the temporary arrangements are reaching their spatial and functional limits. A new school building is therefore urgently needed to counteract bottlenecks and create the pedagogical conditions for modern education.

16 school rooms and 12 specialist rooms

The planned new Höfli replacement building meets today’s school requirements and enables the flexibility to react to future developments. It offers space for 16 classrooms, 12 specialist rooms and an auditorium. The project also includes a modern double sports hall, which, thanks to a mobile partition, ensures operation similar to a triple sports hall and can be used by clubs like the auditorium at off-peak times. The project also provides rooms for day structures with up to 125 seats as well as a modern auditorium.

The sports hall will also be available to clubs. Source NYX architectes

Flexible use of space

Thanks to an innovative spatial concept (cluster model), learning landscapes are created that enable switching between individual learning and group work. In addition, thanks to the flexible use of space, future space requirements can be responded to in the best possible way. The entire facility is built according to Minergie-P label standards, which ensures high energy efficiency and ecological sustainability. The project envisages a redesign of the outdoor areas. After moving into the new school building, the temporary structures will be dismantled. A break area with outdoor learning areas as well as sports and play opportunities is planned for the free space gained in this way. The outdoor space should serve as a meeting place for the population and thus contribute to the revitalization of the district.

The final decision is made confidently

After approval by the residents’ council, the special loan will be presented to the population for a vote. The municipal vote will take place on February 9, 2025. If the loan is accepted by voters, the dismantling of the old school building will begin in June 2025.

The new building is scheduled to be completed by spring 2028. School operations in the new building are planned from April 26, 2028. During construction work, lessons will continue to be held in the existing temporary structures, which can later be used for future school projects in the community.



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