Mindful Milano: Uniting Healthcare Heroes for a Healthier Tomorrow

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ROME (ITALPRESS) – For the second year in a row and in view of World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2024, the Order of Healthcare Technicians of Medical Radiology and Technical Healthcare Professions, Rehabilitation and Prevention (TSRM and PSTRP) from Milan, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Monza Brianza and Sondrio participates in Milano4MentalHealth 2024, the program of initiatives of the Municipality of Milan dedicated to raising awareness on the topic of mental distress. “We accepted the invitation of the Welfare Councilor Lamberto Bertolè without hesitation” declares Diego Catania, President of the Order. “Today the mental health emergency appears even more worrying in light of the ‘vocational crisis’ of the healthcare professions in general and of care professions in particular: I am thinking, for example, of the degree courses in Professional Education, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques and Occupational Therapy, which in recent years have seen a sharp decline in applications for registration. We are talking about a consequent shortage of professionals who play an essential role as a bridge between the vulnerable subject and the community, working in local services to support families”. “The solution to the problem cannot be univocal, but must include targeted actions on different levels” continues Catania. “We need to intervene to promote care professions, on the one hand, and to make the organizational system of local services more efficient, on the other. In the paradigm shift that lies ahead, the transition to a multi- and inter-professional approach is fundamental, capable of encouraging exchange and mutual support between different profiles”. Precisely from this perspective, for its participation in Milano4MentalHealth this year, the Order promotes the slogan “Mental health: a picture of a thousand colours”, which expresses the variety of skills and professional profiles at stake in taking care of the mental distress. “The transversality of the topic of mental health and multidisciplinarity as an opportunity are at the center of the talk organized by the Order and included in the Milano4MentalHealth review” states Maurizio Vergari, Councilor of the Order and coordinator of the initiative. “If the interaction between Healthcare Professionals of the same disciplinary area is or should already be a reality, in fact, the new frontiers of research offer possible synergies even between apparently very distant disciplinary areas. Thus in the conference there is space, alongside the interventions of professions specifically oriented towards the accompaniment and rehabilitation of mental distress, the contributions of Neurophysiopathology Technicians (TNFP) and Radiology Technicians (TSRM), who offer a technical-diagnostic point of view to management of mental and cognitive disorders. For TNFPs we are talking about non-invasive methods of transcranial stimulation, which can help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression; for TSRMs, however, innovative imaging techniques that allow the identification, ‘in vivo’, of early signs of alterations in brain activity and therefore of the possible onset of neurodegenerative diseases”. The conference “A multidisciplinary approach to mental health: the Health Professions of the TSRM and PSTRP Order of Milan, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Monza Brianza and Sondrio tell their story”, at the House of Rights of the Municipality of Milan, was also attended by Professional Educators, talking about rehabilitation projects related to physical activity, such as walking groups; the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technicians (TeRP), who have explored rehabilitation interventions on subjects with mental disabilities; the Occupational Therapists, who dealt with the promotion of independence and quality of life in the face of difficulties in managing daily activities and the Speech Therapists, who analyzed the social consequences of Language and Learning Disorders during school and professional life . The Speech Therapists Register Commission will also curate, on Saturday 12 October and in the setting of the Franco Parenti Theatre, an animated reading dedicated to children aged 6 to 36 months, to encourage the linguistic and communicative development of the little ones. In short, in the Order’s initiatives, the ‘multicolored’ team for the mental health of the future is outlined, without neglecting the critical issues and challenges of the present. “We must not forget that the issue of mental health concerns first and foremost the Healthcare Professionals themselves” concludes President Catania. “Health workers are often overwhelmed by severe stress due to responsibilities, tiring shifts, the risk of aggression and violence and poor social, economic and professional recognition. The move to a multidisciplinary and synergistic approach can help resolve some of these aspects, such as the sense of isolation and work overload. For the other weak points of the system, however, it is necessary to continue working with political decision-makers and citizens so that physical and mental health is recognized as an invaluable resource for the entire community: a heritage to be safeguarded and valorised, like the Professionals called to protect it”. (ITALPRESS).

Photo: Press and Communication Office of the TSRM and PSTRP Order of Milan, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Monza Brianza and Sondrio

Tags: Councilor, children, home, Catania, municipality, community, conference, crisis, rights, education, emergency, families, photo, future, Inter, instead, work, Milan, taken, projects, recognition, Rome, health, social, development, theatre

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