Middle East on a Knife’s Edge: Biden’s Diplomatic Tightrope as Regional Tensions Simmer

During a telephone interview with the Israeli Prime Minister this Wednesday, October 9, the American president asked Israel to “reduce as much as possible the impact on civilians” in Lebanon, the White House said.

Joe Biden asked Benjamin Netanyahu this Wednesday, October 9, to “reduce as much as possible the impact on civilians” in Lebanon, particularly in Beirut, while “affirming Israel’s right to protect its citizens from Hezbollah,” according to a report of their telephone conversation of the day.

This White House statement does not provide details on Israel’s expected response to the Iranian missile attack on October 1, but emphasizes that the American president and the Israeli prime minister agreed to “stay in close contact over the coming days, directly and through their teams of national security advisors.

Joe Biden, who had not spoken directly to the Israeli leader for seven weeks, “underlined the need for a diplomatic solution” to allow the return of the civilian populations of northern Israel and southern Lebanon.

“Limited land incursions”

The United States, on the other hand, is no longer calling, as it did ten days ago, for a ceasefire in Lebanon, saying on the contrary to support the Israeli offensive, building on its recent successes since the assassination of leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah.

But they fear a Gaza-like scenario and are trying to regulate the Israeli response.

After a campaign of massive airstrikes launched on September 23 on Hezbollah strongholds across Lebanon, Israel has been leading a ground offensive in the south of the country since September 30, expanded this week to the coastal areas of the southwest.

“So far, we have seen limited land incursions on the ground,” said American diplomatic spokesperson Matthew Miller on Wednesday.

“We’re going to continue to have conversations with the Israeli government about this, because I think it’s obvious that there’s a point where what they’re doing now will turn into something different that will have political implications evident inside Lebanon, as well as a humanitarian impact on the Lebanese people,” he added.

In una mossa diplomatica significativa, il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden ha chiesto al ⁣Primo Ministro israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu di ridurre⁣ al minimo l’impatto sui civili durante le azioni militari ​in corso. Ciò è emerso da una telefonata tra i due leader avvenuta mercoledì 9 ottobre, ​come riportato dalla Casa ​Bianca [[3]].

Secondo quanto riferito, Biden ha espresso ‍la sua preoccupazione per le vittime civili e ha chiesto a Netanyahu di limitare i danni ‌alle popolazioni non coinvolte nei conflitti. Tale richiesta è stata avanzata ⁣nel contesto di una ⁤telefonata descritta come “diretta” e della durata ⁣di 30 minuti, cui ha partecipato anche il Vicepresidente Kamala Harris [[2]].

La notizia arriva in‍ un momento in​ cui la situazione in Medio Oriente è particolarmente tesa, con rapporti di attacchi aerei e danni alle infrastrutture civili. La richiesta di ⁢Biden risulta quindi particolarmente significativa, in quanto rappresenta un appello ⁣a maggiore cautela e moderazione nel condurre le operazioni militari.

È importante notare⁣ che la⁤ Casa Bianca ha ufficialmente confermato la ⁣telefonata tra Biden e Netanyahu, fornendo un ‌resoconto dettagliato del contenuto della conversazione [[3]]. Ciò suggerisce che l’amministrazione Biden sia impegnata a promuovere una risoluzione pacifica del conflitto e a ridurre ‌al minimo le conseguenze umanitarie.

la richiesta di Biden a⁢ Netanyahu di ‍ridurre l’impatto sui⁤ civili rappresenta un passo importante verso la promozione di una maggiore cautela⁢ e moderazione nelle azioni militari ⁢in corso.‍ È importante seguire ​da vicino gli sviluppi della situazione e valutare come le⁤ parti coinvolte risponderanno a questo appello.



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