A Greek Enigma: Can PASOK Rewrite its Legacy

Mr. Marinakis initially pointed out the positive effect of every intra-party process on the democratic system. As he typically said: “Every internal party process, every open process is something very positive for our state, for our political system, but we welcome it.”

Then, regarding the participation of citizens in the internal party elections of PASOK, the government representative said: “But from here on out, it is not negligible. No participation is negligible when our fellow citizens, members of a party, whether old or new, participate in the process, we can only see this positively.”

The government representative commented on the challenges that PASOK faces in order to become a reliable alternative political force: “As for whether PASOK will be a reliable alternative, that will be shown by the history of the next 3 years or so.”

He also referred to the importance of the costed pre-election programs, provided for by law: “You can’t talk on the air. Basically you can, but now evaluate based on the official costing and based on what the European Union foresees and with the new mid-term.”

“The ground for populism remains favorable”

Commenting on the difficulties faced by the Greek economy, Pavlos Marinakis referred to the citizens’ frustration and the ground it creates for populism: “The easiest thing is to speak maximalist, especially when you are in the opposition. And many times, because there are too many other problems out there, we never say. We solved everything on a ground so suitable for populism, which is a ground of yet another disappointment of the citizens.”

He also pointed out that political parties often promise increases and benefits, without taking into account the fiscal reality: “The easiest thing for a political party is to order more. To say that he will raise.”

Following the interview, the government representative spoke about the importance of evaluating policy proposals based on real data: “We will all come with our programs and when that time comes, people will evaluate not the words.” He pointed out that citizens will compare words with reality and judge parties based on the consistency and costing of their proposals: “That way he will be able to compare words with reality.”

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