Breaking Point: The Gathering Storm of Fiscal Unrest

Christian Campigli

08 October 2024

The great classic, the good dress kept in the wardrobe with mothballs, the evergreen that never gets old. As punctual as a cold in autumn and an allergy in spring, as the discussion on the budget approaches, the left returns to the charge and (re)proposes the patrimonial bill. On Sunday evening Elly Schlein, guest of the program «In altre parole», broadcast on La7, spoke about the resources to be found to guarantee the country’s solidity. Cut waste and rationalize costs? Nope. Better a nice tax on the rich. «Property management is not a taboo, but it must be done well. At the G20 in Brazil they discussed an initiative involving billionaires for international or at least European taxation. Taxation must be progressive, our tax system is unfair and complex, the principle that must apply is that of horizontal equity: the more you earn, the more you pay.” A clear attempt to take over a workhorse of Nicola Fratoianni, leader of Avs. But also a position that has raised, as expected, a hornet’s nest of controversy. On the right, but also among progressives.

Personal differences, a boulder in the broad field: the fact that embarrasses the left

«It has been known for a few decades that the left is short of ideas, but that Schlein is proposing the worst ones only to be sure of hitting rock bottom – highlighted the FdI group leader in Montecitorio, Tommaso Foti -. A late summer dream, which will bring her a rude awakening.” An idea, that of equity, which does not take into account the direct consequences on the real economy. «There is no way to be wrong, when the left faces a problem it is always capable of only one solution: increasing taxes – underlined the senator of the League, Massimo Garavaglia -. It is a constant, that of wanting to tax those who have had better luck at work. I mean, re-proposing a capital asset means wanting to distance investments from our country. One point should also be remembered, which is anything but secondary: the patrimonial law already exists in Italy, particularly on real estate. And it weighs twenty billion. If anything, over time, suitable measures should be found to limit it. Schlein’s proposal is simply insane.”

The great absences of the leaders of the left in the synagogue on October 7: Schlein and Conte disappeared

Fierce criticism also from the deputy secretary of Forza Italia, Deborah Bergamini: «The patrimonial is the karst river of the left: it periodically resurfaces, on the initiative of the Democratic Party or some party in that area, perhaps due to a lack of ideas and proposals. Forza Italia is genetically against it, it is in our DNA. A measure of this type would fuel social conflict. A characteristic of our economy is the private wealth of families and this is not a fault. Often, in the case of real estate, it is the result of sacrifices to ensure a legacy for the next generation. These are goods on which there are already taxes, further tax cuts would be harmful.” Along the same lines Maurizio Lupi, leader of Noi Moderati: «The Left must get over it: with the centre-right in government there will never be a patrimonial one. We are aiming for growth and equity, there will be no new taxes in the Budget Law.” But if Athens protests, Sparta certainly does not rejoice. «This country has too many taxes and too many that are not paid – stated Matteo Richetti, leader of the Action group in the Chamber -. It would be more serious to work on this than to foresee further taxation.”

#taxes #Action #chorus #Tempo



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