Revolutionizing the Catch: Indonesian University Harnesses Innovation to Transform Freshwater Aquaculture

The atmosphere at Tambakan, a freshwater fish cultivation center in Bugel Village, Serang Regency, Banten. (Special)

LECTURER at Pamulang University, Arip Kristiyanto, succeeded in winning a grant from the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service (DRTPM) for community service based Blue Economy.

In this project, Arip and his team focused on empowering P2MKP Tambakan, a freshwater fish cultivation center in Bugel Village, Serang Regency, Banten. “We hope that this technology can increase people’s economic independence through a digital approach,” said Arip in a written statement, Sunday (6/10).

The technology carried by Arip is a digital e-commerce for selling fish online, allowing freshwater fish farmers to market their products to a wider market. “We want to help them access larger markets and increase revenue through technology,” he explained.

Apart from digital sales, Arip and the team also pay attention to branding and financial management. They design logos, packaging labels, and special notes to enhance product image. “This is not only about technology, but also how their products can compete in the market,” added Arip.

To support business sustainability, Arip and his team also provide financial management training for MSME partners. With this innovation, it is hoped that the people of Bugel Village will be more independent and economically empowered. “With DRTPM’s support, we want to create a significant impact on society and the industrial world, connecting technology with community economic empowerment,” he concluded. (S-1)

#Unpam #Lecturers #Empower #Freshwater #Fish #Farmers #Achieve #Economic #Independence
Analysis of Unpam Lecturers Empowering Freshwater Fish Farmers to Achieve Economic Growth

As I‌ read the news‍ article about Unpam lecturers empowering freshwater fish farmers to⁣ achieve economic ‍growth, I couldn’t help but notice the significance of this initiative. The efforts of Unpam lecturers to empower ‍freshwater⁣ fish farmers not only contribute to the economic growth of the community but also highlight the importance of collaboration between academia and⁣ industry.

In my ⁢analysis, I would like‌ to focus on the impact of this initiative on⁢ the economy and the environment. The ​empowerment of freshwater fish ‍farmers by Unpam lecturers can⁣ lead to increased fish production, which can contribute to the⁢ country’s food security and economic‍ growth. Moreover, this initiative can also promote sustainable fishing practices, which are essential for the conservation of freshwater resources.

According ‌to the latest news and ​analysis from reputable sources ‌such as India Today [[1]]and Sky News [[2]], the importance of sustainable fishing practices cannot be overstated. Freshwater fish⁣ farming, if done​ sustainably,‌ can provide a reliable source of income⁣ for farmers while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Furthermore, as highlighted by Newsweek [[3]], the empowerment of rural communities, such as those involved in freshwater fish farming, is crucial for⁤ achieving economic growth and reducing poverty. By providing training and support to ​freshwater fish farmers, Unpam lecturers are playing‌ a vital ​role in promoting economic development and reducing income inequality.

the​ initiative by Unpam lecturers to empower​ freshwater fish farmers is a significant step towards achieving economic‌ growth and promoting sustainable fishing practices. It highlights the‍ importance of collaboration between academia and industry and demonstrates the ⁣potential for positive impact ​on the environment and the economy. As a news writer, I believe that such initiatives should be ‌promoted and emulated to achieve sustainable development and economic growth.



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