Miño’s Home Under Siege: Government’s Drastic Measure Sparks Firestorm of Controversy


In the last hours of Tuesday, the social leader Juan Grabois He reported through his social networks that Fernanda Miño was the victim of an “illegal raid” perpetrated by the Police of the province of Buenos Aires, in his house located in the neighborhood of Villa La Cava in San Isidro. “A hooded man grabbed her by the hair and hit her“said the leader of Frente Patria Grande in a video in which he questioned the police actions and dismissed the accusations about the catechist who was involved in the controversy over the million-dollar funds that she was in charge of as head of the Socio-Urban Integration Fund (FISU) during the administration of Alberto Fernández.

At 23.47Grabois made a post in which he warned that it was “a group of hooded police officers with long weapons who were hidden violently got in from behind” when Miño arrived at his house around 10 p.m. after a political activity. “They did not let her communicate with her lawyer. The cause is not indicated. We hold the Government responsible for this actions typical of the dictatorship”, he indicated.

According to what they told THE NATION According to sources close to Grabois, the raid lasted two hours, Miño “was hit a lot,” “they threw her to the floor,” and the court order to search the home was not presented to her. In that sense, they pointed out that what is attributed to Miño is the theft of a motorcycle that occurred on August 26. But this fact was denied. “Fernanda did not steal anything“, they assured and added: “That motorcycle thing was an excuse for the tightening”.

For their part, sources from the Buenos Aires Police indicated to THE NATION that it was a legal raid that was requested by Justice within the framework of an investigation by the Judicial Branch for an armed robbery where shots were fired. They emphasized that “the actions of the Police were correct” and that they remained “within the law.” The operation was carried out by the UFI N°3 and the Guarantee Court 2 of the judicial department of San Martín.

Despite this, Grabois insisted on mismanagement by police officers and targeted the Government. “They never found anything on him, and now they are inventing that he stole a motorcycle. Do you think we are idiots and that we are going to believe how diligent the prosecutors are that, for the theft of a motorcycle, they are going to carry out a raid at 10:30 p.m., just when Fernanda returns from a political and social activity? leader of the MTE in a video published at dawn from Miño’s house.

“They are our enemies, who are crossing another red line. They are cowards, always cowardly with those above and very strong with those below. We’re not going to let it go. We are going to get to the final consequences. They are very handsome with the poor, with the villeros,” emphasized the former candidate for president of Unión por la Patria.

Finally, he highlighted the presence of drug groups in the area: “This neighborhood is full of drug traffickers. They are poisoning kids and there are kids who die every day. And they are coming to raid Miño for a motorcycle? How can it be?” ”This doesn’t stay like that. We don’t suck our thumb″he warned.

Fernanda Miño came into the public eye in February of this year, after she was denounced, along with Grabois, for the lack of transparency in the use of the trust funds during the management of Alberto Fernandezwhen he was in charge of the Secretariat of Socio-urban Integration.

Miño was in charge of the fund until the end of the Frente de Todos management. According to a data sheet sent by official government sources to THE NATIONthe credit in force as of January was $23,283 million pesos, although the amount they accessed during the previous government would amount to $200,000 million.

During the 2023 presidential campaign, Juan Grabois had assured that Fernanda Miño would be his eventual Minister of Social Development if he reached the Casa RosadaSocial networks

Publicly accessible sources assure that, since the creation of the fund, 1,278 integration works were carried out in popular neighborhoods and that 5,060 settlements were reached with housing works. There would be 6,517 interventions in total, for an amount of $480.611.383.294,59 for the last four years.

However, in the summer, the Government reported that of the 6,517 works reported, only 400 are listed as completed, that is, a 6%. While 5,886 were in execution and 231 in the contracting stage.

The FISU was a trust created by law to finance projects based on the registration of towns in the National Registry of Popular Neighborhoods (ReNaBaP). Received funds from COUNTRY taxreceived money for the solidarity contribution extraordinary program implemented during the pandemic and had multiple assignments from international organizations to carry out works in emergency settlements.

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