The Great Pumpkin Revival: Unlocking the Nutritional Goldmine Beneath the Jack-o-Lantern

Their season begins and lasts practically until it ends in cellars and pantries: pumpkin, the star food of autumn, along with mushrooms. Nutritionists recommend it for all its nutritional qualities, writes

“It is rich in vitamins, including vitamin A, C, E and some B vitamins, but it also brings a good supply of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, manganese. Pumpkin is also a good source of fiber, which helps digestion,” explains Sherie Nelson, an American dietitian interviewed on the subject. In addition to them, pumpkin is also rich in antioxidants, including beta-carotene, which protects the body against free radicals and reduces oxidative stress that causes cellular aging, she adds.

Aside from the pumpkin pulp, its seeds are also nutritionally good, says Jennifer House, a family-based dietitian in the United States. “About 30 grams of seeds contain 9 grams of protein, 2 grams of fiber and 40% of your daily magnesium needs,” she clarifies. He also recommends pumpkin seed flour and pumpkin oil.

Both nutritionists say that there are no contraindications, on the contrary, it is healthy to eat pumpkin every day. Here is what the short-term and long-term impact of this daily consumption can be.

1. It can improve digestion

Serena Benali, another dietitian, says one of the short-term effects we can see is improved digestion. This is because pumpkin pulp contains fiber, which helps food move through the intestinal tract, thus preventing digestion. Also, she explains, preventing constipation also helps in the medium term to keep the intestinal flora within parameters.

2.Can improve immunity

Between 70% and 80% of immune cells are located in the gut, which means that by eating foods that help the gut, like pumpkin, we help the immune system. “Consuming pumpkin regularly strengthens immunity, strengthening the body’s ability to fight infections, says one of the nutritionists. The other reminds that the antioxidants in the structure of the pumpkin, vitamin A and vitamin C, also help the immune system.

3. It can bring more energy and a sense of well-being

If you notice throughout the day that at certain times you lack energy or experience a bad mood, introducing pumpkin into your diet can help restore balance. “Pumpkin has a low glycemic load, which is why they recommend it to keep blood sugar under control, explains one of the nutritionists interviewed. This is not the case with pastries or desserts that contain pumpkin but also have added sugar.

4. Helps eye health

Pumpkin contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two essential eye nutrients. They can prevent cataracts and senile macular degeneration and help eye health, says one of the nutritionists. So incorporating pumpkin into your diet helps maintain eye health at any age.

5. Decreases the risk of chronic diseases

Because it is so full of nutrients and antioxidants, all three nutritionists were of the opinion that eating pumpkin regularly can help lower the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, various forms of tumor or Alzheimer’s syndrome.

In case of high blood pressure, one of the nutritionists believes that cooking with pumpkin oil or an integrator based on the same oil can help, protecting against cardiovascular diseases. In addition, fiber and potassium help manage cholesterol and blood pressure more effectively.


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