Beyond the Veil of Mercy: Unraveling the Tangled Threads of Assisted Dying

2024-10-04 03:00:00
LOVE IT Everybody

G. had chosen to die on Wednesday August 14 in the middle of the afternoon. As agreed, the 91-year-old old lady welcomed Maryse L. and Guy L., the 81-year-old couple who were to accompany her, into her home. They had met within the Ultime Liberté association which defends “the legalization of assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia”. Long-time activists, the couple runs the association’s branch in Isère. They had seen each other several times. G. had insisted that his only son attend one of their meetings to inform him of the “procedure”. His mother’s decision was made, everything was ready. To the couple, the son had only asked to be informed afterwards.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Members of Ultime Liberté soon to be tried for having imported suicide aid drugs

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This Wednesday, August 14, G. sat down on her bed. Maryse and Guy had brought what they needed: an anti-emetic, sleeping pills and sodium nitrite in a lethal dose. They talked for a while, Maryse massaged the old lady’s feet. Just before falling asleep, she told them that she was very happy that her son was taking up the clarinet again. G. had a first small dismissal, followed by a second. On the third, she rejected everything and regained consciousness. Guy immediately dialed the son’s number. “It didn’t work”he told her. Entering his mother’s house a few minutes later, the son rushed at Guy, slapped him and called the police station. “They wanted to kill my mother! Stop them! »he shouted when the police arrived.

In police custody, the two octogenarians explained everything. Maryse took out of her purse the small empty glass jar labeled “sodium nitrite.” DEAD”, the envelope of sleeping pills, two cups and a handkerchief. The investigator, who was leafing through his penal code, seemed embarrassed. “What concerns you, Commissioner? », asked Maryse. “I don’t know where to put you”, he replied.

Since August 16, the couple of Ultime Liberté activists have been indicted for “illegal exercise of the profession of pharmacist”, “provocation of suicide by providing means” and “propaganda and advertising in favor of products, objects or methods recommended as means of killing oneself. They face a maximum of three years of imprisonment. Justice instructs. But, in this matter of chosen death, everything gets tangled up. Public debate and the intimacy of a choice. The will of an old lady, the militant commitment of a couple and the heartbreak of a son. Three votes against the penal code.

“Life no longer has any flavor”

G. was heard the day after her attempted assisted suicide. She was at home, had refused to be hospitalized. “I wanted to leave. I had a very good life. I don’t want to end up like all these poor people who are in nursing homes”, she declared. She immediately worried about Maryse and Guy: “I don’t want them to get in trouble. They did everything at my request. They gave me the products, and I took them myself. »

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