Vaccine Vigilance: France Spearheads Global Livestock Defense Against Deadly EHD and BTV3 Outbreaks

France received an exception on August 6 to accelerate the use of a vaccine against EHD. The country subsequently ordered 2 million doses, amounting to more than 9 million euros. With these 2 million vaccines, 1 million cattle can be vaccinated.

In the French vaccination strategy, cattle older than 12 months are treated in a zone of 50 km around the sources of infection. The first vaccines against EHD were administered in France on September 23. The French government pays for the vaccines itself and part of the costs of the veterinarians who administer the vaccines.

EHD has been advancing in France since September of last year. The disease started at the border with Spain and spread via the West Coast to Brittany. More than 4,000 outbreaks of EHD have now been identified in France.

Looks like bluetongue

The epizootic hemorrhagic disease is somewhat similar to bluetongue in symptoms and distribution. Deer and cattle in particular get the disease, but sheep and goats can also contract it without the latter showing any symptoms. In addition to France, the disease has also been diagnosed in Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Italy. This disease has not yet been noticed in Belgium.

EHD, like bluetongue, is transmitted by midges. The disease causes fever, lameness and breathing disorders, among other things. EHD can be fatal, but animals often recover with some extra care.

Spread of EHD in France. The orange spots are sources of infection. The orange line indicates the boundary of the protection zone. – Photo: French Ministry of Agriculture


At the end of 2022, the disease was diagnosed in Sardinia, later also in Sicily, Portugal and Spain. In the autumn of 2023, an infection emerged in Switzerland. In France, EHD was initially mainly diagnosed in the border area with Spain. Although animals cannot in principle infect each other, in France there is a transport ban for livestock within a radius of 150 km for every confirmed case.


In addition, there will be an additional support program for French livestock farmers affected by EHD. Last year, France allocated 60 million euros to support livestock farmers affected by EHD and 8 million euros for French livestock farmers affected by bluetongue in 2023 (BTV8).

France is also struggling with the outbreak of the bluetongue virus. The bluetongue variant BTV8 has been present since 2015, BTV4 since 2017. The variant BTV3, which is also present here and in the Netherlands, was identified there earlier this year. On October 3, there were 4,664 outbreaks of BTV3 in France. A first zone for voluntary vaccination was designated on August 12. This zone has been systematically expanded and since October 3, voluntary vaccination has been possible throughout continental France.

France has ordered 11.7 million vaccines. This means that 40% of all French cattle (9.3 million doses, with 2 doses per cattle) and all sheep (2.4 million doses, with 1 per sheep) can be vaccinated. For BTV3, Fankrijk reimburses the vaccines and part of the veterinary costs. In France, vaccines are also available for the BTV4 and BTV8 variants. The decision to vaccinate against it is left to the sectors involved.




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