Beyond the Facade: A Glimpse into the Intimate and Unscripted Lives We Lead

Zulfiqar Khan, imam of the mosque in via Jacopo di Paolo, in Bologna, was taken to the police station to be expelled from Italy. According to initial reconstructions, the man, of Pakistani origins, should be removed from the national territory for having supported the more radical concept of jihad and for having claimed responsibility for what was perpetrated by Hamas during the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Following the imam is the lawyer Francesco Murro, who apparently spread the news. According to the expulsion decree signed by the Ministry of the Interior, the imam demonstrated “a fundamentalist vision of the concept of jihad and, among other things, exalted the martyrdom and work of the mujahidin in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, claiming support to Hamas”. The majority parties are united in expressing satisfaction.

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“With our question to the Minister of the Interior, we had reported the social danger of this preacher of hate, who through his sermons, especially after October 7, had attacked Jews, Americans and the entire Western world with unacceptable insults , claiming support for Hamas. After our questioning the Imam had even threatened to take legal action against us. Evidently our observations and concerns were more than justified. We thank the Minister of the Interior Piantedosi for his attention dedicated to this matter and for having taken the necessary expulsion measures, Fratelli d’Italia will not retreat an inch”, declared the deputy of Fratelli d’Italia Sara Kelany, head of immigration of the party, and the Bolognese senator of Brothers of Italy Marco Lisei.

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The deputy prime minister and minister of transport, Matteo Salvini, was more direct: “We finally sent him home”. “The preventive action of the Minister of the Interior Piantedosi is good, as he signed a decree removing an imam from Bologna from the national territory after he had claimed support for Hamas and exalted the action of terrorists in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Protect the security of our country so that fanatic supporters of terrorism are stopped before the irrecoverable happens is a priority for us. The government, in its monitoring and prevention activities, has demonstrated its ability to act promptly anti-Semitism has no place in our country”, commented the president of the Forza Italia senators, Maurizio Gasparri.

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