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Theodoros Galiatsatos
The government must provide resources for the infrastructure of Zakynthos
Biological cleaning needs expansion and not just replacement of machines because we have been led to a dead end with sewage

In the Regional Council we have put several issues concerning Zakynthos, such as the strengthening of the Police Directorate of the island, and we say that the organic positions must be filled in one way or another.

At the same time, our own interventions for the 2nd Primary School brought results, since we are in the study of the building’s stability, and the priority is the safety of the students.

Regarding the Shipwreck, we saw in the local press a really negative development, which has to do with the legal involvement of the “Panagiotis” ship, which prevents the implementation of the study by the professors of the National Technical University of Athens.

The boat has been stranded for decades in the highlands of the island and the state did not make sure that it was in its own property all the previous years. This is a glaring omission.

Even funding for the study is up in the air. We consider as positive the disbursement of 1 million euros, which concerns the interventions on the Shipwreck platform.

However, what happens with the escape route remains a question mark. We are all a bit dizzy with this case, because Mrs. Kratsa’s pharaonic project with the asphalt was left in the middle, Mr. Kapodistrias is talking about another escape route, while the Forestry Directorate also makes another proposal. This story is very strange.

The Region of the Ionian Islands has no jurisdiction over the issue of water. I will say, however, that the recent crisis with the influx of oil into the water supply network highlighted the needs and deficiencies that exist in the quality, quantity of water, the water supply network, management and control.

Until now we have not heard a reliable proposal for the water supply of the island. The situation that has been formed does not allow delays and ambiguous policies.

The water must be potable and meet needs. The debate that opened about desalination shows the anxiety of some business actors. We do not reject the solution of desalination, however we say that it should have a reinforcing form and not be the basic tool.

In the Ionian Islands Region we have 724 private and public wells. Zakynthos has 204 of them, i.e. about 30%. An answer must be given as to what these boreholes are for and of course what their specifications are.

There are no answers so far and thus we do not know the real situation regarding the water in Zakynthos. We are in 2024 and there is no water supply network in Volimes.

The responsibilities of the Region of the Ionian Islands are on two levels: The first has to do with the health control of the network and wells. The second concerns the cooperation that must exist with the Municipality and DEVAZ regarding which projects are needed, so that it can support them with funding.

In the 2017-2018 period, I approved projects for the replacement or expansion of water supply networks. Six years later, under the responsibility of the Municipal Authorities that passed and of DEVAZ, these projects have either not been completed yet, or have started now. I emphasize that several financings can be drawn from the NSRF 2021-2027.

The situation with the sewage in Zakynthos is repeated and burdens public health. At the same time, the place is discredited.

All the findings of the Regional Services from June to September clearly show that the permitted limits have been exceeded and it is certain that something is wrong.

Biological cleaning has reached its limits in an annoying and I would say dangerous way. In the past it worked with tertiary processing, but this was done for a short time and until the license came out. Then this function disappeared.

The expansion of biological purification is needed and not only the upgrading of its machinery, because it accepts the sewage of Tragaki and Planos. Therefore, we are facing an impasse and the government must solve this problem once and for all, providing resources to keep it running smoothly.

Watch the Press Conference of the AN.A.S.A. combination. and of the head Theodoros Galiatsatos on Tuesday 8/10/2024, at 12:00 noon in the meeting room of the Regional Unit of Zakynthos of PIN:

Zakynthos ‌on ⁢the Brink: The Government ⁣Must Act Now

The recent statements made by Theodoros Galiatsatos, a vocal advocate for the ‌island of Zakynthos, have ‌shed light on the dire state of the island’s infrastructure. From sewage‌ woes to water scarcity, the ‌government’s lack of initiative is starting to take its toll on the community. As a keen observer of local politics, I⁢ believe it‌ is high time for the​ government to take⁣ concrete steps‌ to address these pressing concerns.

One of the most pressing issues​ facing Zakynthos is the deplorable state of its sewage system. The fact that the island has been “led to a dead end” with sewage is a stark indictment of the government’s failure to invest in adequate infrastructure.⁢ Galiatsatos’ calls ​for the expansion of biological cleaning services are long overdue,⁣ and it is imperative that⁣ the government allocates the necessary resources to prevent ⁤further environmental degradation.

Another area⁣ of concern is the‌ ongoing saga surrounding the Shipwreck, ⁣a picturesque landmark that has been allowed to languish for decades. The⁣ fact that ​the state ‌failed to secure ownership of the site and has now ⁣been delayed by bureaucratic red ⁤tape is a travesty. The recent allocation of ‍1 million ​euros is a welcome development, but more needs to be done⁢ to ensure the site’s‌ long-term preservation.

Water scarcity ‍is another pressing issue that⁤ has been highlighted‌ by the​ recent oil contamination crisis. It is astonishing that the Region of the Ionian Islands has no jurisdiction over this matter, and the lack of ‍a comprehensive plan to address the ⁤island’s water needs is alarming. Galiatsatos’ call for reliable ⁤proposals to ensure potable water is not just⁤ a matter ⁣of‌ expedience, but a fundamental necessity for the well-being of the community.

The debate around ​desalination has been framed as a ‍potential⁤ solution,⁤ but it should not be viewed as a‍ panacea.‌ With 204 private and public wells on the island, the⁣ government needs to provide clarity on their specifications and purpose. The lack of transparency around​ these wells is a symptom of a broader problem – the government’s failure to engage with the community and provide solutions to pressing issues.

the plight of Zakynthos serves as a stark reminder of the government’s responsibilities towards⁣ its citizens. ‌The ⁣time for vague promises and half-measures is over. Concrete⁢ action is needed to​ address ⁣the island’s infrastructure woes, and it ⁣is ⁤imperative that the government steps up‍ to the ‍plate to ensure the long-term prosperity⁢ and well-being of⁣ the community.



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