Symphony of Brilliance: When Creative Titans Collide

We offer an insight into the calendar of current cultural events.

Divine Spark of Two Masters

Boriss Bērzins and Georgs Barkāns. Two outstanding Latvian artists, one of whom finds his creative fulfillment in painting and the other in textiles. As the art scholar Laima Slava wrote, both are masters who were “endowed by the divine spark with true love and dedication to art”.

The exhibition of the works of Boris Bērziņš (1930–2002) and Georg Barkān (1925–2010) “God’s Kiss” from the collection of the Latvian National Art Museum (LNMM) can be viewed from September 21 to November 18 in the Art Gallery of the Vidzeme Concert Hall “Cēsis”, celebrating these the creative activities of the cultural space for ten years.

“Since the concert hall opened its doors to visitors, along with music, visual art has always been an integral part of our original program. It is a great synergy, because the exhibitions are selected and matched to the brightest concerts of the season,” says Inese Zagorska, manager of the “Cēsis” concert hall.

“The legacy of Boris Bērziņš’s painting and Georg Barkāns’ textiles is an enduring value of Latvian art, which confirms the freedom and blessing of the creative spirit. It is important that both of these artists, contemporaries, have expanded the fields of perception of painting and textile art, boldly breaking traditional boundaries, going against the flow, defying to the conjuncture of the time and the dogmas of social realism,” emphasizes Inese Baranovska, curator of the exhibition, head of the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design.

“The Wanderers” by Helena Heinrichson

15 new large-format works will be on display at Helena Heinrichson’s “Wanderers” exhibition.

Photo: Publicity

From Friday, October 11, to November 9, the Latvian National Museum of Writing and Music (LNRMM) will be exhibiting the solo exhibition “The Wanderers” (curator Auguste Petre) of the prominent Latvian artist Helena Heinrichsone, which highlights the internal conflict between human feelings and the mind. Through it, visitors will have the opportunity to visit the LNRMM premises at Mārstaļu Street 6 for the first time, where the museum exposition “Procrastination & Creation” will be opened in 2025. Helena Heinrichson’s exhibition will feature 15 new large-format works, the protagonists of which are primates, their silhouettes and portraits, as well as the symbol of Heinrichson’s identity – roses. The exhibition also includes director Ligita Viduleja’s 1980 avant-garde film “Disco in the Shadow” with music by Raimonds Paul and poetry by Jānis Peters. The artists of the film are Helena and Ivars Heinrichson.

The power of the organ – “ORGANismos”

From tomorrow, October 10 to 18, the Latgale embassy “Gors” will be taken over by the 9th International Organ Music Festival “ORGANismi”, continuing to reveal the richness, variety and possibilities of the organ as a concert instrument. At the opening concert tomorrow, October 10, with an unusual program of organ trio sonatas by Johann Sebastian Bach based on jazz aesthetics, foreign guests from the music schools of Graz and Stuttgart will perform – Ulrich Walter (Hammond organ), Michael Spor (piano), Sebastian Schuster (bass) and Christoph Raff (drums). In the evening of Friday, October 11, the leading soloist of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet, Jūlija Brauer, will be invited to a conversation in the “Gora” Choreography Hall. On the evening of Saturday, October 12, the audience will be waiting for the deeply personal, poetic and at the same time poignant message about the daily and festive moments of a concert musician – organist, musician – the brilliance of concert halls and the loneliness of airports, created by director Ines Michulas and scenographer Reinas Dzudzilo. The ally of solo artist Iveta Apkalnas on this path will be ballet dancer Julia Brauer. On October 18, at the premiere of the musical performance “Kaimiņi”, the new works of composer Marina Gribinčikas will be performed and sung by the students, teachers, organist Iveta Apkalnas of the Rēzekne Music School under the direction of the director and actor Gerda Lapoška, ​​while the young artists of the J. Soikānas Ludza Art School will paint.

And again – “Theatre is everywhere in Kuldīga”

“Boys are not girls” in the play of Dartas Danevičas Dailes Theater.

Photo: Marco Rass/Publicity

From Friday, the 11th to Sunday, the 13th of October, Kuldīga will be taken over by the annual festival “Theatre is everywhere in Kuldīga”, where, as every year, both long-time friends of the festival and new artists will perform. For example, on October 11, there will be an opportunity to watch Mikhail Chekhov’s Riga Russian Theater monoplay “Mother’s Milk”. On October 12, the Latvian National Opera and Ballet’s family-loved concert performance “A baby listens to music” will be performed, and the Riga Circus family show with the clown Cronopio “Pačamamo” will be performed, and in the evening the concert “Katrīna Gupalo – acoustically” will be performed. On October 13, the adventurous Liepaja Puppet Theater show “Robinsons” will start the day, Maksims Beitāns, a Latvian cellist who currently lives in Switzerland, will perform concerts. But in the evening there will be a Daile theater performance “Boys are not girls”.

In honor of Ivar Selecki

The exhibition “Ivara Selecka street. The Selecki family and cinema” has been opened at the LKA Riga Cinema Museum and will be open until the end of the year. movie themes and characters. The exhibition features unique awards and memorial items. Ivars Seleckis is an extremely important personality in Latvian culture who, together with his colleagues, created the golden classic of Latvian documentary cinema and brought it to the world. The museum exhibits one of the most important awards for Latvian film art of all time – the “Feliks” award of the European Film Academy for the best European documentary film of the year “Šķersiela” (1988).

LKA will be able to meet in Stämerien

Short film “Sirens of Stamerienas”, directed by Dāvis Gauja.

Photo: Publicity

On Saturday, October 12, at the Stāmerien Palace, you will have the opportunity to experience a selection of creative works by students and graduates of the Latvian Academy of Culture (LKA) – a theater performance, a contemporary dance performance and a screening of short films. Plein air will start at 12 with Sergej Smikov, a 4th-year acting student at LKA, a mono performance “Kocenieki und taseniecece” based on Andrus Kivirehka’s long story.

A dedication to Liepāja

In the big hall of the Liepāja Museum, the joint exhibition of Liepaja visual art biennial “Pilsēta izredzetēta” was opened, in which more than 73 works of art or groups of works created by 59 artists of Liepaja and its surroundings can be seen in the last two years. It is a tribute to Liepāja, which will celebrate an important anniversary in 2025 – 400 years.

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