Portugal Pivots: A New Era for Public Broadcasting and Advertising Reform

Portugal Pivots: A New Era for Public Broadcasting and Advertising Reform

Through the Action Plan, the Government foresees new legislation for the sector and a new public service concession contract for RTP, also strengthening the independence of Lusa and incentives for the media.

A voluntary departure plan will be implemented for workers who are in pre-retirement and, “in the long term”, this route will be a “gain”, from the perspective of the guardianship.

The Government sets departures for “up to 250 workers”
admitted minister Pedro Duarte, with the media portfolio.The strategy will be “two leave and one worker enters” at RTP and the Government has 20 million euros to implement this voluntary departure plan.

For the responsible minister, it is essential to invest in the technological reinforcement of RTP. “It’s critical, it’s fundamental”, adding that “by giving RTP more management conditions, we expect more efficiency”.

The minister also explained how the gradual reduction of advertising on television will be carried out: “Breaking two minutes per hour, in 2025, then two minutes”. Pedro Duarte stated that the Government wants to “modernize RTP” with the State providing “management flexibility” to the company. The Executive thus undertakes to have, “by the end of the year, a proposal to review the concession contract”, especially because the “RTP needs to prepare for the times ahead”.
“Good journalists”
At the opening of the conference, the Prime Minister considered it “It is as important to have good politicians as good journalists” to defend democracy, economic growth, progress, new opportunities. “Quality guarantees must be reciprocal”, stated Luís Montenegro. The Prime Minister set the target because it is necessary “ferociously combat misinformationfiercely combat what happens in the media and what happens on social networks.” “What happens on social networks” is an attack “on democracy”.

“When the media goes after what is happening on social media, it is devaluing itself and valuing social media”.

The Government will propose a “Social Communication code” to “simplify the legislation we have in the country”.

As for Lusa – already owned by the State in 95.86 percent of the capital – the Government intends to complete the total acquisition and, at the same time, reinforce its independence, creating a new governance model, with the creation of a council of supervision with a multisectoral composition, and implementing a technological and digital modernization program and more human resources.

The Government’s strategy follows four axes:

Sector Regulation

Through the creation of a Social Communication code, this being a matter that “must last over time” highlighted Pedro Duarte. This document should be completed in the first half of next year.

Concessioned Public Service

The Concessioned Public Service undergoes a gradual reduction in commercial advertising.

Incentives for the Social Communication Sector

“We are going to carry out an in-depth study of what the journalism market is in the country”, announced the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs. The Government intends to provide incentives for local and regional journalism, finance digital subscriptions by 50 percent and invest in training for journalists, as well as incentives for hiring journalists, with the Executive paying a salary of 1,120 euros for open-ended contracts.

Combating misinformation and investing in media literacy

To combat misinformation, the focus also includes increasing literacy through the creation of the National Media Literacy Program (which will be presented by the end of the year). The Government is also committed to providing incentives for reading: young people in secondary education can choose a means of communication and the State covers the entire cost, for the remaining population, the contribution will be 50 percent.



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