Revolutionizing Classrooms: Cardinal von Galen School Lands €1.5 Million to Shatter Educational Boundaries

The KfW Bank (Credit Institute for Reconstruction) funding program supports construction projects that meet high requirements for energy efficiency, climate protection and sustainability. The special thing about the funding commitment is the combination of the funding with the QNG seal.

About the QNG seal

In order to receive funding from the KfW program, the Cardinal von Galen School must be certified with the QNG seal. The QNG seal is awarded by the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction (BMWSB) and ensures that ecological and energy criteria are met. These include requirements for energy efficiency, the use of renewable energies and the ecological quality of the materials. A building reaches this funding level if it:

  1. Reached efficiency level 40
  2. emits so little CO2 in its life cycle that the greenhouse gas emissions requirements of the “QNG Seal Plus” are met,
  3. a sustainability certificate is issued that confirms the compliance of the measure with the requirements and
  4. is not heated with oil, gas or biomass.

The sustainability certificate required in the QNG seal is awarded by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

The DGNB process is based on a holistic understanding of sustainability, so that the assessment basis considers the entire life cycle of the building.

The holistic approach of the DGNB process makes it possible to reduce costs and optimize processes so that operating costs can be reduced in the long term through sustainable planning. In addition, DGNB-certified buildings are built to conserve resources and contribute less to greenhouse emissions.

Before and during the construction phase, the city of Emsdetten is supported by a commissioned DGNB auditor in complying with DGNB requirements. Certification with the quality-assured DGNB assessment system ensures holistic planning and transparent presentation of the building quality.

With the certification of the building, the funding rate of 10 percent is achieved. The total eligible costs are 15,000,000 euros. Without participation in the certification process, the funding rate would only be 5 percent. Both processes will not be completed until construction is completed, which is planned for 2028.

The funding enables the city of Emsdetten to achieve a high and holistic sustainability standard for the construction project “Renovation and expansion of the Cardinal von Galen School”. The city hopes to achieve long-term operating cost savings through the sustainable construction of the building in order to reduce follow-up costs after initial construction to a minimum. This project is an important part of the journey to becoming a climate-neutral city of Emsdetten.

Construction work is scheduled to begin in autumn 2025.



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