Greece on a Knife’s Edge: Mitsotakis’ Future as Prime Minister Teeters

The candidate for the leadership of PASOK, Nikos Androulakis, speaking to LIVE NEWS and Nikos Evagelatos, a few 24 hours before the opening of the polls for PASOK’s internal party elections, fired his shots at Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis but also referred to the following day with the new leader of the party who, as he declared, “everyone has the right to be a candidate but they must do self-criticism… I want a rationalist and to listen to the plan”.

It is recalled that on Sunday 06/09 Nikos Androulakis, Haris Doukas, Pavlos Geroulanos, Anna Diamantopoulou, Michalis Katrinis and Nadia Giannakopoulou will compete for the leadership of the party.

“I think there is a political culture and there was a dialogue. I think we will have a large turnout and I am optimistic because I think on Sunday it will not only be decided who will be president of PASOK, but listening to Mr. Mitsotakis it will be decided when Maximos’ door will finally be closed for him. With all that is happening and with all that he says, he flies over the problems of society. The parliamentarians are taking the initiative for the bad loans and today Tsimoudia, while we have proposed a law for the protection of the first permanent residence. Our ND denied it,” he pointed out, leaving clear points against Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

As he said, for him it is not the chair above all but the unity of the faction.

“The central strategy does not change. I took over a party where ND was at 41% and SYRIZA at 32%, and PASOK was crushed in the elections. Under pressure and with limited resources, we managed to reverse the correlations. PASOK is the second party and in self-government it is powerful. We took steps forward. The steps were slow but we achieved something unique. For the third time in 50 years of post-government, the 3rd, 4th party has managed to become the opposition with the rise of PASOK. Individual changes will obviously be made,” he said initially and added:

“Everyone has the right to be a candidate, but they must do self-criticism. The first responsibility for the nationwide rate is the president’s. But when you say that you will make the percentage 25%, you must say why in your constituency we have the third worst percentage in all of Greece. I do not assign responsibility, but I want an orthologist and to listen to the plan. There are no magic words, and last year we saw the magic words when some said that they would make SYRIZA the government again. Today SYRIZA is dissolved. I fought the battles against adverse conditions. First off the wiretaps, when has a political leader ever faced what I faced? The media day and night played Kasselakis-Mitsotakis. They are now playing us more for internal party matters than for our program. We didn’t do everything right, but don’t underestimate the fight and mine and those who were left in the difficult times”.

Co-government with the ND is a science fiction scenario

Regarding the possibility of cooperation after the national elections, he said: “If we do not have self-reliance, we must make programmatic agreements. The dialogue must now take place with all the forces that have common concerns with us. I consider that the cooperation scenario with the ND is a science fiction scenario. When he practices a policy that is against our policy, how will we cooperate?”

While in a possible cooperation with SYRIZA, he responded positively: “I am positive to cooperate with opposition parties but not to share chairs. At this level, policies prevail, not persons. It is my principle not to comment when there are internal processes in another party. I hope they find their way to SYRIZA. I’m doing my fight.”

Finally, Nikos Androulakis commented on the interview of Kyriakos Mitsotakis on LIVE NEWS: “For me, a prime minister who gives you an interview and does not comment on any of the major issues that concern society, probably needs a change quickly. For three years I’ve been talking about housing, about Airbnb, why didn’t he do anything? Have you ever seen a party lose 13%? He probably hasn’t understood the message of the European elections.”

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#Sunday #decided #Maximos #door #closed #Mitsotakis



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