Break Free from Financial Burden: Tax Office Unveils Game-Changing Debt Relief with Up to 50% Fine Reductions


Under the revised Code, the rates of penalty reductions intensify by up to 50% the sooner the taxpayer acknowledges their violations before the audit proceeds or the additional taxes resulting from the tax audit. In particular, fines are reduced:

* By 50% if an admission of violations of non-submission of declarations or submission of inaccurate declarations is made after the issuance and notification of a control order and before the notification of a temporary corrective tax assessment act, or if the main tax debt is accepted up to 10 days after the notification of a temporary corrective assessment act tax. A condition for the reduction of fines is, in the first case, to submit the relevant overdue initial or amending declarations before the notification of the act of temporary corrective tax assessment, and in the second case, to submit the relevant declarations within 10 days of the notification of the act.

* By 40% if the main tax debt is accepted after notification of a final corrective tax assessment but before the appeal to the Dispute Resolution Division (DDR).

* By 30% if the main tax debt is accepted before submitting an appeal to a competent administrative court.

* By 25% if the main tax debt is accepted before the start of the discussion before a competent court.


In any case, after the reduction of the fines, 25% of the total debt must be paid within 3 days from the acceptance of the relevant application, which must be submitted electronically via an online platform. The remaining debt, after the reduction, can be paid in up to 12 interest-bearing monthly installments. Alternatively, it can be paid in up to 48 interest-bearing monthly installments with the fixed arrangement of Law 4152/2013.

Declaration of Admission

Every taxpayer who is faced with the tax audit has the right within the framework of this new out-of-court settlement process to complete and submit, to the competent tax audit agency, overdue initial or amending declarations for the violations they recognize, as well as the new “declaration of admission” form actions in the context of tax audit – in accordance with article 75 of Law 5104/2024 (A’ 58)-KFD – and reduction of fines”. In this form, which is a declaration of admission of the commission of the violations, the audited taxpayer must state in which of the above 4 cases (a, b, c or d) they want to fall under.

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#Tax #Office​ #Outofcourt #settlement‌ #fine #reductions
As a blog news writer, I can analyze the provided article on tax audits. The article discusses the revised Code and its provisions for penalty reductions for taxpayers who acknowledge their violations before the audit proceeds.

Under the revised Code, the rates of penalty reductions can be as high as 50% if the taxpayer admits to their violations at an early stage in the tax audit process. For example, if a taxpayer admits to non-submission or inaccurate submission of declarations before the notification of the temporary corrective tax assessment act, they can receive a 50% reduction in fines.

Additionally, if the taxpayer accepts the main tax debt before the appeal to the Dispute Resolution Division (DDR) or before submitting an appeal to a competent administrative court, they can receive reductions of 40% or 30%, respectively. In all cases, after the reduction of fines, 25% of the total debt must be paid within 3 days from the acceptance of the relevant application, which must be submitted electronically via an online platform.

As for tax settlements, taxpayers have the option to pay the remaining debt after the reduction in up to 12 interest-bearing monthly installments or up to 48 interest-bearing monthly installments under the fixed arrangement of Law 4152/2013.

There is a mention in the news article of a “declaration of admission” that every taxpayer who is facing a tax audit can submit to the competent tax audit agency to reduce fines.

In this conversation, none of the search results directly relate to the information in this news article.



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