Navigating the Labyrinth of Tariffs: Illuminating the Path to Smarter Investment Choices

“The recent news learned from the investigations, still ongoing, into the false accounting of the public hospital “Le Molinette” in Turin, from which it appears that the revenues did not cover the costs, denotes the serious financial situation in which public healthcare finds itself Italian, which is unable to cover its expenses”. The UAP, the Union of the major national and regional acronyms of authorized and private private clinics and clinics, writes this in a note. “In light of this alarming picture, the UAP insists on reiterating the need that the tariffs of the nomenclator and the LEAs, which must be approved and which have been at a standstill for 30 years, must be able to remunerate all healthcare costs, which can include – among many – the cost of doctors, the cost of depreciation of machinery and general management costs, since the costs cannot be greater than the revenue – observes Mariastella Giorlandino, president of UAP – For these reasons the NHS reimbursements – as said to have been firm for 30 years – and which are the same for both public and private healthcare, cannot go below the current amounts, since otherwise they would no longer be able to cover the expenses incurred within a structure, which include equipment, professionals and all general management costs, risking causing the same problem as the “Le Molinette” hospital.

“It is no longer acceptable to accept as an answer that there are no funds, since as has now been peacefully admitted, the money is there! Think of the 119 million euros allocated to pharmacies to carry out screenings without any legal requirement, without respecting the rules on the health record, on privacy, on civil and criminal liability in the event of a diagnostic error. Therefore, the funds exist and belong to both private and public authorized healthcare, for this reason the UAP wants to prevent them from being allocated to. finance unclear realities. Furthermore, the UAP asks the Government for transparency on the use of equipment within public hospitals, given that they were acquired with PNRR funds, consequently increasing public debt, while private structures are forced to bear these huge expenses themselves.” Dr. Mariastella Giorlandino, UAP president concludes: “We want to guarantee public health and private health, which is why we ask for legality and transparency of data to protect citizens’ health, and the right investments from the Government”.

#Transparency #tariffs #investments #Tempo
2024-10-08 03:35:55
Italian Public Healthcare in Crisis: Investigation Reveals Alarming Financial Situation

A recent investigation into the financial dealings of the public hospital “Le Molinette” in Turin has uncovered a disturbing trend in Italian public healthcare. The Union of major national and regional acronyms of authorized and private clinics (UAP) has sounded the alarm, stating that the revenues of public healthcare institutions are woefully inadequate to cover their expenses.

This is not a new issue, but rather a decades-long problem that has been allowed to fester. The UAP notes that the tariffs of the nomenclator and LEAs (Essential Levels of Assistance), which are supposed to reimburse healthcare costs, have been at a standstill for 30 years. As a result, public healthcare institutions are struggling to stay afloat, with costs consistently outpacing revenues.

The situation is dire, and the UAP is calling for urgent action. Mariastella Giorlandino, president of the UAP, emphasizes the need for tariffs to be revised to reflect the true costs of healthcare. “The costs cannot be greater than the revenue,” she notes. “We must ensure that the tariffs are able to remunerate all healthcare costs, including the cost of doctors, the cost of depreciation of machinery, and general management costs.”

The implications of this crisis are far-reaching. If public healthcare institutions are unable to cover their expenses, the quality of care will inevitably suffer. This, in turn, will have a devastating impact on patients who rely on these institutions for life-saving treatments and procedures.

The UAP is demanding that policymakers take immediate action to address this crisis. This includes revising the tariffs of the nomenclator and LEAs to ensure that they accurately reflect the costs of healthcare. Anything less would be a dereliction of duty, and a betrayal of the trust placed in our public healthcare institutions.

As the investigation into the financial dealings of “Le Molinette” hospital continues, one thing is clear: Italian public healthcare is at a crossroads. It is up to policymakers to take decisive action to address this crisis, or risk condemning our healthcare system to chaos and disarray.



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