Guarding the Royal Menagerie: Captain Álvarez’s Mission to Keep Majesty’s Creatures Healthy

Los animals They form an indispensable part of the barracks routines in the facilities of the Guardia Real. The Hippomobile Section of the Real Battery that pulls the Schneider cannons that fire the salvos during official acts; the Guides and Dogs Section with defense, attack and tracking canines dedicated to the detection of drugs and explosives; or even the Royal Escort Squadron who performs the solemn escorts on horseback in the Zarzuela Palace: All of them are made up of dozens of animals that, day after day, train alongside the military. and the captain Maite Álvarez Fabián He is one of the people who ensures your health and good care.

This military veterinary is part of the four officers that make up the Veterinary Servicea section dedicated entirely to animal care and framed in the Escort Group of the body. Its stables and rehabilitation and operations rooms are located in the ‘La Reina’ barracks in Fuencarral-El Pardo, and the complex’s facilities house 180 horses y 49 dogs. Every day, these are used to do exercises, training or, simply, to carry out the Palace routines under the orders of the Military Room of the King’s House.

Next to Captain Álvarez there is a commander, another captain and a lieutenant. They form the Service’s quartet of veterinary officers. They are accompanied by 4 non-commissioned officers – a brigadier and three first sergeants – and three other corporals and three soldiers. “The non-commissioned officers and the troops are veterinary assistants who, weekly, provide support to whoever is on call. There are 14 people in total, and we all depend on the Escort Group. “We are the only ones who have dogs and horses within the Royal Guard.”

An assistant of the Veterinary Service of the Royal Guard with one of the horses of the military corps.

An assistant of the Veterinary Service of the Royal Guard with one of the horses of the military corps. Sara Fernandez EE

A rider from the Royal Battery of the Royal Guard on Spanish-Breton horses.

A rider from the Royal Battery of the Royal Guard on Spanish-Breton horses. Sara Fernandez EE

Other sections already interviewed by THE SPANISHlike the Company of Halberdiers in which it operates the royal guard Marcos Valencianothe motorcycle section of which he is workshop manager Brigadier David Cordobéso Lieutenant Jorge Mesain charge of repairing the entrails of the Rolls Royce that lead to the King in the Armed Forces Day or October 12. The 1,600 soldiers who escort and pay honors to the Royal House are coordinated by the Colonel Pablo Mateo y Álvarez de Toledohighest command of the body and custodian of the monarch’s security.

Captain Álvarez has been assigned to this section for five years. After studying Vet and go through the NCO Academy, he ended up working in Ceuta before being chosen by free designation in your current unit. In his daily life, he carries out food inspections – the science that studies food – in all the canteens and dining rooms, he does the pest control and legionella inspections in waters. “Although the horses are what gives us the most work. We have about two hundred and fifty animals, including horses and dogs, and we do the clinic and surgery for both.”

Tras la veterinaria militar, que viste el uniforme de guardia real, hay un hermoso corcel gris que relincha y refunfuña. “¡Dale chuches para que se entretenga!”, pide la capitán a uno de sus auxiliares mientras el joven pasa una máquina de radiofrecuencia por uno de sus costados. “Este caballo sufrió una lesión por estar demasiado tiempo de pie, atado en el box. Tiene una cojera en la mano derecha y un pequeño bultito a nivel de la escápula. Vimos en una ecografía que tenía algunas roturas de fibras musculares. Este aparato emite frecuencias que hacen que la sangre bombee mejor a esas fibras y la cicatrización sea más rápida. Es como el Indiba, pero para animales”.

La dedicación de la capitán Maite Álvarez y su equipo ha convertido los animales de la Guardia Real en una de sus puntas de lanza. En ‘La Reina’, asegura, los perros y caballos están cuidados mejor que en ningún otro lado. Mejor, incluso, que de forma asilvestrada. “Piensa que cada oficial está de guardia una semana, las 24 horas, así que si pasa cualquier cosa venimos corriendo. Un cólico, por ejemplo, que es un dolor abdominal agudo que no se sabe de dónde viene pero que, en el 90% de los casos, es del aparato digestivo. Lo tratamos, hacemos las pruebas necesarias durante las horas requeridas, siempre hasta que solucionamos el problema”. La disciplina militar aplicada a la salud.

PREGUNTA.– ¿Cuáles son los principales problemas que afectan a los caballos de la Guardia Real?

RESPUESTA.– Las cojeras y los cascos. No dejan de ser animales de trabajo. Aquí tenemos varios herradores, que son una suerte de podólogos de caballos. Un herraje no es sólo poner una herradura; también hay un trabajo previo con radiografías y ecografías para ver si hay daños a nivel de los tendones o en su parte ósea. Los caballos suelen tener artrosis, porque trabajan más en el asfalto que en la pista, por lo que están predispuestos a otros daños. Después, cuando hablamos de caballos que tienen algún tipo de hernia o malos comportamientos, también hacemos castraciones.

P.– ¿Cuál es la vida útil de los animales aquí? ¿Y qué pasa cuando llega a su fin?

R.– Los perros alrededor de ocho años, aunque no hay nada escrito. Salvo que tengan alguna patología que les impida trabajar. Con los caballos no es igual, porque no tienen una vida útil. Se les da de baja si tienen algún fallo. Ninguno de ellos es nuestro, sino que pertenecen a Cría Caballar [Servicio de Cría Caballar de las Fuerzas Armadas]
. If you love them retire A unit must request it, say that the horse is no good; If we see that it is something medical or veterinary, we prepare a report ensuring that this animal cannot continue operating due to this or those. We send them back to Caballar and they auction them off in a closed public auction, although they are always informed of any pathologies they may have.

Captain Maite Álvarez during the interview with EL ESPAÑOL.

Captain Maite Álvarez during the interview with EL ESPAÑOL. Sara Fernandez EE

Two Spanish-Breton horses from the Royal Battery exhibited during the interview with EL ESPAÑOL.

Two Spanish-Breton horses from the Royal Battery exhibited during the interview with EL ESPAÑOL. Sara Fernandez EE

In addition to the Veterinary Service, the Escort Group also welcomes the Equestrian Teaching Center (NEE), which is what provides the basic training of the rider so that he can perform the specific tasks of horseback units. Among these units is the Royal Escort Squadronwhich provides the solemn escorts on horseback and participates in the protection of the facilities of the Zarzuela Palace, and whose horses are always pure spanish breed with black, chestnut and gray layers. This squadron is made up of the Squadron of Batidores, the Band of Bugles and Timpani, a Section of Cuirassiers and two of Lancers.

The Royal Battery, another of the units of the Escort Group, also has horses. Specifically, his Hippomobile Sectionamong whose hallmarks are the Schneider 75/28 cannons from 1906, manufactured in Trubia and Seville, and some cheeks thrown by Hispano-Breton horses with chestnut and black coats. It is also composed of a Salute Section which has 105/14 mm howitzers, which fire the ordinance salvos, and which participates in the security system of the Zarzuela Palace.

Todos los animales que forman estas unidades requieren de grandes cuidados y mantenimiento por parte de los veterinarios de la Guardia Real. Además, como explica la capitán Maite Álvarez, cada jinete tiene su caballo asignado, por lo que el vínculo entre los animales y los guardias reales acaba siendo muy estrecho. Para ella, trabajar en este cuartel es “el sueño del veterinario militar“, porque le permite trabajar como el resto de especialistas en este área de España pero con “la suerte de tener todos los caballos y perros a mi cargo y de hacer clínica, cirugía y contar con muchísimos más medios”. 



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