Étienne GIROS Paves the Way for Ambitious Ventures in Pointe-Noire

Étienne Giros, President of CIAN (French Council of Investors in Africa), during his speech at the Business Forum dedicated to Pointe Noire, organized in Paris on September 27 by “Les Rencontres d’Afrique(s)”. © AM/APP – Click on the image to enlarge it.

On the occasion of the Pointe-Noire Business Forum, organized in Paris on 09/27 by “Les Rencontres d’Afrique(s)”, Étienne Giros, President of CIAN (French Council of Investors in Africa), shared his vision on the Autonomous Port of Pointe-Noire and its SEZ, in front of an audience of entrepreneurs and investors, whom he invited to get involved.


by Alfred MIGNOT for AfricaPresse.Paris (APP)


Former manager of the Bolloré group for its activities in Africa, Étienne Giros was delighted to reconnect with a port he knew well. “I often had the opportunity to go to the port of Pointe-Noire in a previous life. It is with emotion that I note its spectacular evolution over the last thirty years. Congratulations to all stakeholders, public and private, for what has been accomplished,” he declared in the preamble.


Three major ideas
for development
of the port and the region


Étienne Giros then discussed three key ideas which he said emerged from the forum discussions and are essential to the development of port and economic infrastructure in Africa.

1. Value creation and local industrialization – The President of the CIAN insisted on the need to “exit the curse of raw materials”, in reference to the dependence of many African countries on their natural resources such as oil, timber or minerals.

According to him, the Congo, rich in raw materials, must be able to transform part of these resources locally in order to create value and jobs, particularly for youth. “A well-functioning deep-water port is essential for this value creation, as it facilitates both the import of inputs and the export of raw or finished products,” he stressed.

2. The importance of regionalization to increase the size of markets – As a representative of companies operating in Africa, Étienne Giros spoke of the dilemma facing industrialists and financiers: the need for stability and long-term visibility to invest, while taking into account risk. “The size of markets is also crucial for taking risks,” he said.

Regionalization – with the establishment of the ZLECAF (African Continental Free Trade Area), logistics corridors, and the mix of means of transport – is therefore a priority to increase the size of markets and create investment opportunities. .

3. The importance of a coherent overall infrastructure – Étienne Giros also insisted on the fact that a modern and efficient port must be part of a broader set of well-coordinated infrastructures. “If there are no good roads leaving the port, if electricity is intermittent, or if the railway is too slow, then the investment will not be effective,” he said. -he estimated.

According to him, all infrastructure players must work together, without compartmentalization, to enable the optimal functioning of the port and the entire logistics chain.


Étienne Giros speaking at the Business Forum VIP lunch. © AM/APP – Click on the image to enlarge it.


Attract investors
and encourage partnerships


For the objectives of developing activities to materialize, Étienne Giros recalled the prerequisites for the mobilization of several actors, both for the Pointe-Noire region and more broadly throughout the Continent, each partner having to “ensure their part”:

Public authorities – Create a favorable business climate and provide stability. “The investor is not asking for privileges or subsidies, but for a clear vision and the continuity of this vision. The port of Pointe Noire is part of a long-term vision, it is an asset for investors. »

The operators – “You have to take risks, overcome the fear of uncertainty, and embark on investments, particularly in the port of Pointe Noire and everything that revolves around it. »

Partnerships – Success requires collaboration. “The days of going it alone are over. European and French companies must join forces with local partners to ensure the success of their projects. »


A call
to French investors


Étienne Giros ended his speech by thanking the authorities of the port of Pointe-Noire and the Congolese authorities for choosing Paris for this forum, highlighting the increased competition from international players such as the Chinese, the Indians, the Turks…

Addressing French entrepreneurs and investors, he declared: “It is up to us to respond positively to this call and seize these opportunities. Let’s overcome risk and act together to develop these tremendous potentials. »


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A view of the room during the XIV Conference of African Ambassadors in Paris. Organized at UNESCO by AfricaPresse.paris and CAPP (Club Afrique de la Presse Parisienne) on September 25, 2024, it was dedicated to “Cultural diplomacy, a vector of excellence in Africa-France-Gulf cooperation”. © Hady Photo



THE XV CONFERENCE OF AFRICAN AMBASSADORS OF PARIS will be held at the end of November, on the theme:

“Rail network projects,
infrastructure of the future for Africa »

Candidate expert panelists and corporate sponsors wishing to participate, make yourself known to: [email protected]

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