K-Pop Icon Rain in Last-Minute Bid to Dodge Draft

Appeal to accountants and taxpayers, to speed it up their appointment with the tax office addressed by the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, at a time when there is suffocating pressure from accountants’ associations and financial institutions throughout the country for postponement of the submission deadline.

The deadline normally expires at 3pm on 31 July 2023 and according to the Ministry of Finance, the filing of tax returns for natural persons has exceeded 80%.

However, more than two out of ten taxpayers, ten days before the end of the deadline, have not “pressed the button” to submit the return, while the same applies to four out of ten legal entities.

The President of the Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Konstantinos Kollias, requests the postponement of the deadline for the submission of this year’s tax returns to the end of September in a letter to the political leadership of the Ministry of Finance and the Governor of AADE.

Script for extension

However, the final decisions on the declarations will be made in the coming days with the information stating that the Ministry of National Economy is oriented to extend the deadline for submitting the declarations of legal entities with the possibility of an extension open for natural persons as well.

The submission of declarations for natural persons is directly linked to the payment of the Market pass since the evaluation of the beneficiaries will be carried out based on the incomes of 2022.

The longer the process of submitting the tax returns is delayed, the longer the payment of the aid will be delayed.

THE president of the Economic Chamber of Greece Konstantinos Kollias highlights in his letter the reasons why the July 31 deadline is not possible:

  • according to the latest statistics, 60% of tax returns (E3) have been submitted by legal entities to date. “Therefore, in 10 days it is impossible to submit the remaining cases, since the number of E3s in the last days before the deadline is difficult and with a lot of problems”
  • Clawbacks (returns of money from pharmaceutical companies to the public) 2nd half of 2022 were posted on 6/7/2023.
  • The payroll of the 4th Health Region Administration (HYPE) was posted on 6/30/2023.
  • The code 013 in E3 is automatically updated from 6/7/2023 and the removal of the pretension fee from form N has been activated from 17/7/2023.
  • The application fee is not calculated correctly for farmers who also have a license to sell products in public markets.
  • In addition to all of the above, the submission of VAT for the second quarter of 2023 for the simple forms and for the month of June 2023 for the double forms.
  • The completion of form N for the legal persons and legal entities of article 45 of Law 4172/2013 opened on May 20, 2023.

To the above we must add that there are also pending approximately 1,500,000 E1 Tax Returns of Natural Persons have not yet been submitted.

“Given that employees in accounting offices are entitled, by law, to leave in the middle of the summer, it is clarified that accountants – tax technicians do not request extensions, but the increased obligations assigned to them by the State require the political leadership of the Ministry of Finance to satisfaction of their request and respect for the professional sector, which has supported and continues to responsibly and conscientiously support the financial measures of the State” he states in the letter.

What do the statements show?

According to sstatistical data of AADE until yesterday they had been submitted 5,021,010 tax returns. Among them:

  • 49.14% or 2,467,324 tax declarations are zero, i.e. they neither pay additional tax nor have a refund
  • 34.27% or 1,720,700 taxpayers are required to pay an additional debit tax amounting to an average of 1,226 euros
  • 16.59% or 839,985 taxpayers have received a credit report with the amount of the refund amounting to 368 euros per capita

According to the current schedule, the tax will be repaid in eight equal monthly installments with the first at the end of July and the last in February 2024.

In case of one-time payment of the tax, a discount of 3% is given on the total amount. Also, taxpayers with a debit settlement have the possibility to repay the debt in up to 24 interest-free monthly installments with the fixed arrangement or in 12 interest-free monthly installments with a credit card, earning the 3% discount.

Source: Daily

#Rain #requests #extension



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