Pro-Pal demonstration in Rome, the silence of the left on the violence. Meloni: “Intolerable” –

Luigi Frasca

In the end, the street demonstration for Palestine went exactly as planned. And upon closer inspection, the reasons that had made the Interior Ministry think of banning it were not so far-fetched after all. The toll speaks of 30 injured officers and dozens of heavily damaged police vehicles. Domenico Pianese, general secretary of the Coisp police union, declared: «Many of the participants took to the streets with the clear intention of staging an urban guerrilla war, violating the ordinances and creating disorder. Closeness to injured colleagues.”

A closeness that was also expressed by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi in a phone call to the Chief of Police Vittorio Pisani in which he also asked for an account of the state of health of the operators injured in the street clashes. «They demonstrated great professionalism and balance, guaranteeing public opinion on a complex day» declared Piantedosi. The same solidarity was also expressed by Prime Minister Meloni to the police forces «insulted and attacked by self-styled protesters who use any pretext to vent their absurd violence. It is intolerable that dozens of officers are injured during a demonstration.”

The pro-Pal march has started, Donzelli: Daddy's boys go to Iran to demonstrate

Matteo Salvini from Pontida bluntly said that “if you challenge the police and the carabinieri you are an idiot”. According to the President of the Senate Ignazio La Russa, “those who say they want to demonstrate for peace are actually praising the massacre of October 7 and waving Hezbollah flags.” Giovanni Donzelli, head of the FdI organisation, addressed a message “to the father’s sons who play at being revolutionaries, I say if you are so revolutionary, go to Iran to demonstrate”.

Party colleague and undersecretary for Justice Andrea Delmastro Delle Vedove underlined how yesterday there were «two squares: one deals with the future of Tourism in Italy (the FdI convention “Italy, the roots of beauty”, ed.) and on beauty, on the other hand a square is taking place that is foaming with anger and pouring out hatred.”

Clashes at the march: pro-Palestine people throw bottles. sticks and paper bombs | VIDEO

Video on this topic

Hezbollah flags also appeared in the middle of the procession, a circumstance that the group leader of Forza Italia senators Maurizio Gasparri defined as an “absolute shame”. Those are «flags of a sect of fanatical terrorists, murderers and Islamic fundamentalist massacres. The promoters of this demonstration are supporters of those who wanted to start a new Holocaust against the people of Israel. It’s a shame to see these people circulating. Those who defend the genocide and those who wave Hezbollah flags are to be despised like the murderers of Islamic fundamentalism. The left has written another page of shame.”
From the left no comments. For this reason, the leader of Noi Moderati Maurizio Lupi asked «the left to take a stand against these episodes of violence and condemn the pro-7 October slogans shouted today».

The speakers were Carlo Calenda, leader of Action, who declared that the reason for the demonstration was «to be considered wrong because it contains a very serious fact, that of considering a massacre of civilians as an act of resistance». Ivan Scalfarotto of Italia Viva asked himself “but exactly what do those who go to celebrate the anniversary of a deliberate ethnic-based manhunt, a massacre of unarmed civilians intentionally disconnected from military objectives, have in their heads?”. Enrico Borghi also spoke from Renzi’s party: «There are no excuses or generic references that can justify the anti-Semitism and support for Islamist terrorism that we saw taking place today in Rome, complete with emphasis on Hezbollah’s fanatical theses» .

#ProPal #demonstration #Rome #silence #left #violence #Meloni #Intolerable #Tempo
2024-10-07 10:27:05



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