Cycling 7/2024: Comfort trekking bikes, folding locks, tires

What can I expect in Cycling 7/2024?

Dear readers,

What association does the term “comfort” evoke for you? Probably a comfortable sofa or your bed. And the Leisure Monitor 2024 actually shows that most Germans love relaxing activities at home. Preferably in combination with media consumption: TV, listening to music, something on the smartphone.

At the same time, many of those surveyed would like more time for spontaneous activities, actually want to do more sports and maintain social contacts more often. There is a clear gap between desire and reality for most people. It’s similar for me – in the hustle and bustle of everyday work and family life, I’m happy about them Oases of doing nothing, of idleness. And sometimes I can hardly bring myself to do sports or other activities. I know that it would be particularly good for me right now.

It’s tragic that some children these days grow up without knowing the wonderful feeling that only comes after an active day outside: you’re physically exhausted and knocked out. o., but mentally fresh. You are happy despite the tiredness. And also happy because of the tiredness. No day in front of the TV or on the cell phone can create these emotions. And the bed seems even more comfortable in the evening…

Speaking of comfort: you probably didn’t immediately think of a trekking bike when I asked you about the association. But for this issue we tested particularly comfortable trekking bikes. By no means (only) those with a deep entry, even if this is definitely justified. In his test, test editor Jens Kockerbeck shows which attachments can make a bike more comfortable and test and technology manager Georg Zeppin adds further comfort tips to our “Top 10” series. So that you have a nice time when you have pulled yourself together.

Don’t give the fall blues a chance!

Johanna Nimrich, editorial director

Where is the Cycling 7/2024?

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Look at Cycling 7/2024


Test: Comfort trekking bikes



Interview: Biathlon star Magdalena Neuner






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