PEPARNAS XVII 2024 Pay Attention to Balanced Nutrition Standards for Athletes

PB PEPARNAS Kitchen(PB Peparnas DOC)

PROVIDING consumption that meets the standards of athletes’ needs is one of the concerns of the Grand Committee (PB) of the National Paralympic Week (PEPARNAS) XVII Solo 2024. Fulfilling sports nutrition intake is a crucial aspect to support athletes’ performance throughout this championship.

In the world of modern sports, fulfilling nutrition is an important aspect to maintain the health and fitness of athletes. Not only that, the application of nutritional science can also improve athletes’ performance when facing championships.

Therefore, providing consumption that takes into account the fulfillment of balanced nutrition is the commitment of PB PEPARNAS

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One of the parties involved in providing balanced nutrition for athletes is Solia Zigna Kampung Batik Laweyan. This hotel is a place to stay as well as fulfill food requirements for wheelchair fencing athletes.

A row of athletes who will compete for achievements in wheelchair fencing have arrived at Solia Zigna on Tuesday (1/10/2024). One of the athletes who has experienced the facilities from Solia Zigna is Rachman.

This wheelchair fencing athlete from the Riau contingent said that the banquet the athletes received in the past two days had exceeded expectations.

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“I would like to thank you for the facilities provided by PB PEPARNAS XVII in Solo City. The accommodation provided was in accordance with our wishes, especially the accommodation,” said Rachman.

“Apart from that, the food provided to athletes is very good. The consumption is in accordance with the standards required by athletes,” he added.

The quality of the food provided also received praise from the South Sumatra wheelchair fencing trainer, Agista Andhani.

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“Consumption is good. Nutrition for athletes has also been fulfilled. It’s extraordinary. Solo City’s service during PEPARNAS

Meanwhile, providing adequate consumption has become the commitment of the hotels which are PB PEPARNAS XVII partners. Executive Secretary & Public Relations Solia Zigna Kampung Batik Laweyan, Yuke Anastasia, said that food standards had been determined together with the nutrition team from PB PEPARNAS XVII.

“For food, from the start we have been working with the team or officials who come to the Solia Zigna Hotel to discuss with our Executive Chef about the menu that will be served,” said Yuke.

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“There was also a nutritionist who was brought in to check the menu. We have explained the standardization of nutrition because it has been adapted to the needs of athletes. These provisions concern protein, carbohydrates and fruit,” he added.

Sports Nutrition Standards

Meanwhile, nutritionist, Farah Aulia Rahma S.Gz, RD, explained the importance of providing balanced nutrition for athletes during PEPARNAS XVII. He said that food preparation must ensure complete nutritional content. This completeness includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

“So, when serving food ingredients to athletes, everything must be complete. For example, carbohydrates are provided through rice. Protein is obtained from animal and vegetable side dishes. Then vitamins and minerals are obtained from vegetables and fruit,” said Farah.

Apart from paying attention to the nutritional needs of athletes, the alumnus of the Health and Nutrition Study Program (Prodi) at Gajah Mada University also emphasized the importance of how food is processed. This is related to the dynamics faced by athletes in facing a competition.

Before competing, athletes often experience nervousness and stress. This kind of situation often affects the digestive system. Therefore, the method of processing food during PEPARNAS XVII should consider the ideal processing method.

“We must pay attention to processing methods that do not stimulate digestion. The processing methods in question, for example, cooking food with thick coconut milk. Spicy and sour preparations, and using a lot of oil, can also disrupt athletes’ digestion. This must be taken into account,” said Farah.

According to Farah, another aspect that should not be forgotten is the frequency of feeding. Heavy meal preparation should be done in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Before competing, athletes must also be given a snack.

“By paying attention to the frequency, athletes can have their nutritional needs met by providing regular food,” he explained.

Athletes from 34 contingents have four days of final preparation time in Solo City. Competitions from 20 new sports will start on Monday (7/10). (S-1)

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