Hotel Don Pepe Gran Meliá, the 5-star Marbella hotel where you feel at home

And I’m not saying this because of the number of times I’ve gone in recent years, which are quite a few, but because of the treatment received. And that precisely, the treatment of customers, is what distinguishes a “Great Luxury” from another, even if they share price and category. Currently the Hotel Don Pepe It may not be the largest, the most spectacular or the most luxurious on the Marbella coast, but it has many points in its favor to be at the top of the podium of the best.

To begin with, your location. Not in vain was it the first luxury hotel to be built in Marbella, 60 years ago, and, therefore, it was able to choose a location. And obviously he chose the best: next to the town and facing the sea. There is no one to compete against that. The feeling of waking up, opening the curtain and returning to bed to enjoy the sea views for a while longer is priceless. I attest. As is also being able to walk to the Plaza de los Naranjos to enjoy what, for me, are the best churros in the world.

But there is more. His gastronomic offer. It is true that it is not the largest in the place, but it is sufficient, varied and above all rich and of good quality. The rice of Bardot (my weakness is crabs and rays), their fried anchovies and fish are spectacular (and eating on that terrace in front of the beach is the best).

As are meats and vegetables from To thisthe restaurant led by Iñigo Urrechuin which in addition to the excellent raw material, the embers are the protagonists. In my tributes there there is never a lack of roasted carrots with root and pistachio puree and, of course, a good very rare steak. And finally, lovers of Asian cuisine will enjoy Tahini of some plates to frame.

The history Don Pepe is also a great attraction for very mythomaniacs. As I said, it was the first luxury hotel in Marbella and during the golden years of the so-called jet set There was no star (before they were stars, not celebrities) national or international who had not stayed there. The list is endless, from Audrey Hepburnthe first famous person to stay there the month after its inauguration, and to whom the hotel bar has named her, until Eva Perón, Prince, El Cordobés, Sean Connery, Alain Delon, Bob Hope, Edward Kennedy, Raphael, Julio Iglesias, Lola Flores, Rocío Jurado, Omar Sharif, Arthur Rubinstein,

I could go on talking about the incentives to stay at this hotel, which are many: its breakfasts, its service Red Levelthe comfort of their beds, the amenities, the atmosphere in the hotel, its tranquility, … but if I did this post would be endless. So, to finish, I will highlight the offer beauty which the hotel has had for four years. Nothing less than a center Blemish in its facilities. He reference beauty center for celebrities in Madrid, which was the most coveted place by stars on the Costa del Sol for decades (and still is, although now they visit it seeking privacy.)



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