Number of West Nile virus cases continues to rise

Number of West Nile virus cases continues to rise


In Burgenland, the number of infections with the West Nile virus has risen sharply compared to previous years. While only one case was reported across Austria last year, this year there are already 36, with almost half of the infections coming from northern Burgenland.

07.10.2024 05.42

Online since today, 5:42 a.m

According to the Agency for Health and Food Security (AGES), the strong gel year is responsible for this increase. In most cases, West Nile virus does not cause any symptoms. About 80 percent of those infected notice no signs of illness, while the rest develop flu-like symptoms. Only less than one percent of those affected can develop a serious complication such as meningitis.

AGES: No danger to the population

West Nile fever has been reportable in Austria since 2015. The virus was introduced to southern Europe from Africa at the end of the 1990s and has since spread further and further north – also encouraged by climate change. In addition to humans, birds and horses can also be infected.

However, infection from person to person is only possible via blood, donor organs or breast milk. However, according to AGES, there is no danger to the population. AGES emphasizes that there is currently no reason for concern as most infections are asymptomatic.



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