Jesús Uriostegui supports donating one month’s salary of Guerrero’s deputies to…

Actions of the legislature for those affected by “John”

Jorge Balvanera

Chilpancingo, Gro., October 6, 2024.- In a gesture of solidarity and responsibility, the 64th Legislature of Guerrero is analyzing the possibility of donating a month’s salary to support those affected by the rains of Hurricane John.

In an interview, deputy Jesús Euhenio Uriostegui García, president of JUCOPO, pointed out that in times of emergency like the one Guerrero is experiencing, where many families have been affected by excessive rain, the helping hand of those who are representatives of citizens in the local Congress.

He explained that these types of initiatives always arouse multiple reactions among the population, who expect a genuine commitment from their representatives in situations like the one they are experiencing.

Uriostegui García, who has been one of the main promoters of the proposal, hinted that the conversations within the Political Coordination Board are on the right track to make it a reality.

“There is all the willingness and will,” assured the legislator.

The deputy is right when he highlights the importance of establishing a clear and transparent scheme to ensure transparent management of resources and that they reach those who really need them.

In times when trust in politicians is fragile, transparency in the use of public resources is a key element.

Donations of this type must be accompanied by mechanisms that ensure that the money is not lost in bureaucratic procedures or used for electoral purposes.

He stated that aid promises that are not fulfilled or diverted generate irreversible damage to the credibility of the institutions.

“We must not overlook that since Friday of last week, the esplanade of the State Congress has become a food production center, from where hundreds of dishes go to the different shelters installed in Chilpancingo by the state government. “he indicated.

This action, he said, shows that the Legislature is taking immediate measures to alleviate the effects of the natural disaster, although the financial donation is still under discussion.

He highlighted that delivering food to those who are in the shelters not only reflects a gesture of good will on the part of the deputies, but also the challenge of properly managing a crisis.

It should be noted that, in addition, Deputy Jesús Uriostegui’s team has delivered mattresses and blankets to those who needed them at the time the shelters opened and when people arrived at them with nothing more than what they were wearing.

And in some places they supported with retro excavators and trucks, to open streets and remove the earth and mud.

The politics of solidarity is fundamental and must be at the right times.

Surely there will be hundreds of people grateful for the food, and for the help in cleaning their streets in this truly complicated situation, where friendly hands of different natures converged.

Finally, he pointed out that the population of Guerrero will be attentive to the other actions taken by their representatives in the local Congress, hoping that there will be more concrete events that continue to benefit those who need it most.

It remains to be seen if the donation of a month’s salary comes to fruition next week and, more importantly, how they reach their destination.

Meanwhile, the commitment of legislators must remain firm not only in times of emergency, but in each of the decisions that affect the lives of the people of Guerrero.

xxx Edited by JULIO ZENÓN FLORES SALGADO.- Communicologist, specialized in political journalism, Youtube@JulioZenonFlores, Twitter@trasfondoin, e mal: zenon71@hotmail, Whatsapp 7441054888



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