100 years since the birth of Nikos Rizos, the story of the “giant” of comedy

Nikos Rizos, who was born today 100 years ago, he was self-taught and in fact constituted, especially in the golden decade of the 50s, an entire chapter of interpretative skill, a school of comedy.

Justifiably, the legendary protagonist of the Greek theater, Marika Kotopoulis, when she first saw him on the board, in the number “The last tram”, next to the exuberant Speranza Vrana, said to him: “Come, my Virgin Mary! How did such a talent fit into this body, baby?’.

A prominent member of the great generation of comedians of post-war Greece, Nikos Rizos, the most beloved and charismatic “short man” of the domestic scene, was and is one of the most familiar faces to the Greek people and the Greek family, coming in and out of our homes every day through the countless films he starred in – some put it close to 300! – mostly hilarious comedies. This close relationship that developed between the great comedian and the general public, his constant repetitions, his well-known expressions, his standardization hinder to some extent the understanding of his enormous talent, the techniques he developed and set the tone for the films, even and if he kept a supporting role.

Nikos Rizos was born 100 years ago (September 30, 1924), just outside of Arta and came to Athens to first conquer the theater audience and then everyone, through his films. However, the famous “short” was also one of the most successful and capable troupers, raising huge hits, giving the opportunity to great protagonists to show off their skills, but also to make money, while the reputation of the incurable womanizer followed him until the end of his life.

Copying and Tofalos

Born in Peta in Arta, from a poor family, he will do well in letters, while as a teenager, in order to earn a pocketbook, he will come into contact with the cinema, changing the posters from the windows of the cinema in his neighborhood. He will go down to Athens, immediately after the Occupation, with 100 drachmas in his pocket, to study at Panteion. By chance he will meet the then young writer Napoleon Eleftheriou, who will hire him as a copyist of the texts he distributed to the actors. He got his first standing ovation by taking on the role of the ferocious wrestler Tophalus, when the actor playing him suddenly disappeared. You laugh just at the image you bring to your mind…

Accidental discovery

He will also work as an usher in the theater, until Alekos Sakellarios discovers him by chance, seeing him in the traveling troupe of Nikos Fermas, and gives him the opportunity of his life. Enthusiastic about the temperament and the intelligent freshness he brought to the theater, Sakellarios will give him the role of the dude in the classic revue “People, People” in 1948, making all of Athens talk about the short man of the Greek theater. He then obtained an actor’s license as an outstanding talent and participated in important Athenian troupes until 1958.

Intelligent squad leader

His success will make him a troupe leader within a decade, together with Yiannis Gionakis and Takis Miliadis, breaking the box office, later with the participation of the Kaloutas brothers, at the Kyveli Theater and in the reviews “New Athens”, “People of 60” and in the musical comedy by Stefanos Fotiadis “A lazy person is wanted”. In the summer of 1960, he collaborated with Vassilis Avlonitis, Yiannis Gionakis, Takis Miliadis and Rena Vlachopoulos, at the “Metropolitan” theater, in the play by Giorgos Giannakopoulos “Every walnut”. In 1961 he will form the troupe “Avlonitis-Vassiliadou-Rizos”, with which he will make waves. Having the intelligence to always keep for himself the third role and to give the leading roles to the fickle Avlonitis and the wonderful Georgia Vassiliadou, he will stage until 1965 immortal hits (“The Bridegroom of Happiness” etc.), which will then pass in the cinema, to buy millions of tickets, especially in the Second Screening, all over Greece.

Makris is a mentor

Giorgos Tzavellas’ excellent drama “Methystakas”, starring the excellent Orestis Makris, will actually be on the cinema sets. The actor that Rizos admired and was his mentor. Makris, who had recognized his talent and was certain that Rizos would excel, had advised him to remain modest no matter how high he reached, something he also followed in his artistic career.

Happy Start

In 1953 he will play a characteristic role in the famous sentimental comedy “To Soferaki” by Giorgos Tzavellas, starring the amazing Mimi Fotopoulos. There he will show off his rare comedic streak and become rapturous. In the following year, he will play in four films, the best known being the melodrama “To Pontikaki”, with Aliki Vougiouklakis in her first film appearance, while he will be a co-star in the first popular Greek musical “Happy Beginning”, together with Dino Iliopoulos, Giorgos Economidis and Vassilis Avlonitis.

Avlonitis, Vasiliadou and Kontos


Dozens of films will follow, while in 1958 he will star alongside Vassilis Avlonitis in the comedy “Tzitzikas and Mermigas”. In 1959, the classic comedy “The Treasure of Makaritis” will appear, playing alongside Avlonitis-Vassiliadou. A film that will be the occasion to move forward with the idea of ​​forming a theater troupe with them. Next year, he will co-star in the comedy “Three Dolls and Me” alongside Dino Iliopoulos and Martha Karagianni, Maro Kontou and Dina Triantis, so that the time will come for the “short” to enter the title, in the unforgettable comedy “O Klearchos, Marina and Kontos”, where he will be equal to the two holy monsters of Greek comedy.

A wonderful characterist

Rizos has now established himself as a protagonist who can stand next to the big names of comedy. And yet he will wisely continue to play supporting roles in which he admittedly excelled. A typical example is the cute emotional road comedy “The Bride Knocked It Off” starring the headstrong and cool Jenny Karezi, In the film, Rizos holds a limited role, a trucker trying to drive a wreck, but he is really the salt and pepper of the film. Also, another example is in the movie “The Aristocrat and the Tramp”, a sentimental comedy that is undermined by the mannerisms of the lead couple Vougiouklakis and Papamichail – and the conventions of the script, but the three-minute presence of Rizos gives the necessary breath. Rizos in many films held the role of thermostat, keeping the temperatures of the films right, even when they were ready to burn due to the pre-written scripts or the mannerisms of the protagonists. Yes, he was also a great character artist.

Last breath

The decade of the 70s and the decline of Greek cinema, will bring him in some films as a protagonist, but without scripts and notable productions. And Rizos, however, looked tired, entering into the ease of a standardization that did not suit him. He will also enter the misty landscape of video film, while until his last breath he will work in the theater – in 1986 he will successfully convert the Astor cinema into a theater, holding the artistic direction until 1990 – but also on television, playing in the “Throne Room “, of a remarkable serial. In fact, he will take his last breath during the screening of the last episode.

It was April 20, 1999, when a heart attack will send him next to his beloved Makris, Avlonitis, Vassiliadou and his other huge colleagues. He will leave behind his beloved wife and actress Elsa Rizzo, with whom they married in 1955, stayed together until the end, for 44 years and had a son, Konstantinos. He will leave behind him, however, a legend, a great work, which has not been sufficiently appreciated. But what counts is the love of the public and that even today a child can laugh to tears at the exploits of Nikos Rizos on the screen.

Source: RES

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