Dressing room, checks and huge fines on pubs and bars. Fines and complaints also for motorists

DRESSING ROOM – Dressing room, clothing checks Police, NAS and NIL: 3 reported and 2 licenses withdrawn. The Carabinieri Company of Camerino, in the wake of the controls implemented at the provincial level on the prevention front, has prepared and carried out a wide-ranging coordinated service, paying particular attention to the places of aggregation and entertainment for young people present in the Camerino area also affected by the presence of numerous university students from all over the national territory and beyond.

Activities in the viewfinder

During yesterday evening, the numerous patrols employed, with the precious collaboration of the NAS of Ancona and the NIL of Macerata, checked two commercial activities and various road users.
In particular, the owner of a city pub was reported for failure to appoint fire and first aid personnel and the absence of an evacuation plan, a violation for which a fine of 13,100 euros is foreseen. He is also charged with administrative sanctions of 2,500 euros with related suspension of his business activity.

Fines and complaints on the road (for drunk driving)

Furthermore, the owner of a bar was fined a total of 1000 euros for failing to comply with general hygiene requirements. At the various checkpoints, carried out in key points of the territory, 18 vehicles were checked, 38 people identified, high administrative fines to the highway code for a total of 1660 euros for various violations from irregular overtaking to failure to use seat belts. Furthermore, the soldiers of the Carabinieri Station and the Radiomobile Unit of Camerino reported two men for driving under the influence of alcohol, the first, resident in the municipality, was found to have a blood alcohol level higher than 1.00 G/L, while the second , a 53-year-old of Catania origin but resident in Castelraimondo, was found to have a rate of 1.44 G/L. The driving licenses were immediately withdrawn.



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