Peru demands that Mexico investigate the death of migrants in Chiapas

Peru demands that Mexico investigate the death of migrants in Chiapas

MEXICO CITY.- The government of Peru announced that it will demand Mexico an investigation into the death of six migrants, including a Peruvian, after Mexican soldiers shot at the vehicle in which they were traveling.

The attack occurred on Tuesday, the same day when Claudia Sheinbaum assumed the Presidency of Mexico.

This attack increases the tensions between Mexico and Peru that began during the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador following his support for Pedro Castillo after his attempted self-coup d’état.

Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s first female president, has said that she will maintain the extensive powers and powers that AMLO he gave to the military during his mandate.

The Peruvian Foreign Ministry “strongly condemned the events that occurred” and will proceed to provide humanitarian assistance to the victim’s relatives.

Diplomatic crisis between Mexico and Peru

Currently Mexico and Peru maintain diplomatic relations at the level of ‘chargé d’affaires’ after friction between AMLO and Dina Boluarte, Peruvian president.

The conflict began in 2022 due to López Obrador’s support for Pedro Castillo, acting president, who sought to establish a “government of exception” that was described as a self-coup d’état.

On December 7, 2022, Pedro Castillo unconstitutionally dissolved Congress.

He announced the establishment of an “exception government” that would govern through decree laws until a new Parliament with constituent powers drafted a new Constitution.

This decision was met with accusations of “coup d’état”.

Castillo’s decision generated a wave of resignations from senior officials, including ministers and ambassadors.

Congress held a session to debate and vote on a vacancy motion against Castillo, which ultimately resulted in his dismissal.

The Prosecutor’s Office accused Pedro Castillo of rebellion for breaking the constitutional order.

Castillo tried to take refuge in the Mexican embassy, ​​the country where he had requested asylum. However, he was stopped streets before arriving.

Dina Boluarte was appointed by Congress to occupy the Presidency, after which AMLO la Obrador called her “spurious president.”

On more than one occasion, Dina Boluarte and AMLO expressed themselves negatively about each other until they broke off relations.

READ ALSO: Mexico’s diplomatic crises with AMLO: characters from Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, who are they?

They investigate the death of migrants in Chiapas

Last Tuesday, military personnel patrolled the town of Villa Comaltitlán when they intercepted a truck that tried to flee.

Behind it were two cargo vans, “like the ones used by criminal groups in that region.”

During the chase, “military personnel said they heard explosions, so two elements activated their weapons, stopping one of the trucks,” the police said. Secretary of Defense of Mexico (Sedena).

The Army confirmed that four migrants died at the scene and two more died while receiving medical attention at a hospital. Another 10 were injured.

“They all died from gunshot wounds,” he told The Associated Press an official from the local prosecutor’s office who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to make public statements.

There were 33 foreigners in the van, including Egyptians, Nepalese, Cubans, Indians and Pakistanis.

Sedena indicated that two soldiers are under military investigation and were separated from their position while the Attorney General’s Office An investigation has already begun.

YOU MAY BE INTERESTED: Migrants die after persecution by the Army in Chiapas

#Peru #demands #Mexico #investigate #death #migrants #Chiapas
2024-10-06 13:11:18



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