The Church condemns the murder of 6 migrants in Chiapas

The Church condemns the murder of 6 migrants in Chiapas

Before the death of six migrants in Chiapas at the hands of the Armythe Conference of the Mexican Episcopate (CEM) condemned the “disproportionate use of deadly force by State agents.”

Furthermore, he regretted that This is not an isolated event.a consequence of the militarization of immigration policy and a greater presence of armed forces on the country’s southern border.

Military shoots at migrants in Chiapas

As we reported, last Tuesday Army elements shot at a group of migrants who, according to the Sedena version, evaded a reconnaissance patrol in Chiapas.

In total, six migrants died who, according to President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, are originally from from Egypt, El Salvador and Peru.

The president assured that the soldiers who fired are already at the disposal of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), who will do the corresponding investigation.

The Episcopate regrets the murder of migrants in Chiapas

In this regard, the CEM, through the Episcopal Dimension of the Pastoral Care of Human Mobility, rejected the disproportionate use of deadly force by State agents, which has so far caused the death of six migrants and ten more who were injured.

The statement of the Catholic Church of Mexico also indicates the following:

This tragedy arises not as an isolated event, but as consequence of the militarization of immigration policy and a greater presence of armed forces on the country’s southern border, which has been a constant.

Immigration policy based on militarization

Due to the nature and severity of the events and the existence of a context of systematic violation of human rightsas well as an immigration policy based on militarization, the Mexican State is obliged to carry out a serious, impartial and effective investigation.

Otherwise, if these facts are not investigated with due diligence, it would result in some way aided by public power. compromising the international responsibility of the State Mexican.

We request the Mexican State to adopt non-repetition measures to limit the presence of the Armed Forces in public order tasks and in matters of immigration control and review to exceptional situations and ensure compliance with preventive measures in the use of force.

In this situation, it is important to remember that the principle of the centrality of the human person, firmly expressed by Pope Benedict XVI, forces us to always put personal security before national security.

Therefore, it is necessary properly train the personl in charge of border control.

Alternatives to immigration containment

In the name of the fundamental dignity of each person, it is necessary to strive to prefer solutions that are alternatives to restraining people in an irregular immigration situation who enter the national territory and the militarization of the border.

We stand in solidarity with the victims and their families, extending our prayers for migrants who died in this Mexican Army operation, and for the prompt recovery of the injured people.

May the God who walks with migrants and refugees bring comfort and peace and prompt relief to victims’ families.

As a Church that always accompanies the poorest, we trust that violence will never be the solution.

Mary, mother of migrants and refugees, extend your mantle of protective love to those who have to flee due to threats, and only seek a dignified life and work to bring food to their families.

#Church #condemns #murder #migrants #Chiapas
2024-10-06 04:55:35



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