Sanction increased on appeal for Didier Raoult, banned from practicing medicine for two years

2024-10-04 10:12:03

“I can continue to do my job. ” So reacted Didier Raoult from Le Parisien in December 2021, after the simple reprimand inflicted by the disciplinary chamber of the Order of Physicians. The controversial microbiologist will not be able to say the same this time. It is in fact prohibited to practice medicine for two years from February 1, according to the decision taken on appeal by the national disciplinary chamber, which we reveal this Thursday.

The reprimand imposed at first instance was a sanction “too lenient in view of the breaches identified”, estimated Dr. Gilles Munier, representative of the Order of Physicians, during the appeal hearing which was held last June in Paris. Didier Raoult was himself physically present that day, with his lawyer Fabrice Di Vizio.

But what exactly are we criticizing the former boss of the Marseille IHU? For having violated numerous articles of the public health code. And first of all, for having promoted hydroxychloroquine as a treatment against Covid… even though the scientific community did not recommend it, due to lack of solid data.

“Wild” clinical trial

Thus, Didier Raoult “did not base his public positions on confirmed data, did not exercise caution and promoted an insufficiently proven treatment”, we read in the decision that we obtained. .

On the other hand, he did not cause “unjustified risk” to the patients to whom he prescribed hydroxychloroquine because he “knowingly excluded from treatment those who presented the highest risk factors”, believes the president of the national disciplinary chamber.

The fact remains that the practitioner is singled out for not having requested the green light from the health authorities to carry out such a clinical study, described as “savage” by his detractorson approximately 30,000 patients. Indeed, a doctor “can only participate in biomedical research on people under the conditions provided for by law”, according to article R4127-15 of the Public Health Code.

Didier Raoult, reviled by medical and scientific authorities but adored by some French people skeptical of the management of the health crisis, is also sanctioned for non-confraternity. He made “comments going beyond the scope of freedom of expression”, as when he accused another practitioner of having “conducted tests in which children died”.

Symbolic decision

By calling into question widespread vaccination and confinements, he also “harmed, through remarks devoid of weight, the measures taken by the health authorities for the purposes of protecting public health”, we can still read.

Now retired, Didier Raoult no longer has any hospital or academic function at the IHU since he left its management in September 2022. The sanction on appeal is therefore above all symbolic concerning him, but it will not fail to make people react. The microbiologist is also the target of a legal investigation into suspicions of “wild”, i.e. unauthorized, clinical trials.

Contacted to react and to find out if Didier Raoult was going to appeal to the Court of Cassation, Fabrice Di Vizio replied to us on Wednesday evening that he had not yet been able to become aware of this decision.

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