IDF kills two senior Hamas members Photo: Israeli Ministry of Defense
news from the story
As a result of the operation carried out by the Israeli Armed Forces (IDF) and the Israel Security Agency (ISA), Muhammad Hussein Ali al-Mahmoud and Saeed Alaa Naif Ali were eliminated. This was reported by the Israel Defense Forces.
“Today, Muhammad Hussein Ali al-Mahmoud was killed,” it says. statement IDF. In another operation that took place at night in the Tripoli area of Lebanon, Said Alaa Naif Ali was killed.
Muhammad Hussein Ali al-Mahmoud, occupied a key role in the Hamas structure in Lebanon, and was responsible for coordinating the organization’s actions in the region. He managed Hamas’ terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria, and also played an important role in strengthening the organization’s position in Lebanese territory. Said Alaa Nayef Ali, another senior member of Hamas’s military wing in Lebanon.
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As a result of the operation carried out by the Israeli Armed Forces (IDF) and the Israel Security Agency (ISA), Muhammad Hussein Ali al-Mahmoud and Saeed Alaa Naif Ali were eliminated. This was reported by the Israel Defense Forces. “Today, Muhammad Hussein Ali al-Mahmoud was killed,” the IDF said in a statement. In another operation that took place at night in the Tripoli area of Lebanon, Said Alaa Naif Ali was killed. Muhammad Hussein Ali al-Mahmoud, occupied a key role in the structure of Hamas in Lebanon, was responsible for coordinating the organization’s actions in the region. He managed Hamas’ terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria, and also played an important role in strengthening the organization’s position in Lebanese territory. Said Alaa Nayef Ali, another senior member of Hamas’s military wing in Lebanon.