Index – Domestic – András Hont and Péter Magyar fell head over heels for each other

“The investigation was conducted and the summary report made unusually clear and harsh findings. After half a year, he left his post (Péter Magyar – editor),” writes András Hont on Facebook, where the publicist also shared the Átlátszó article, in which the newspaper obtained a report on the procedure of the Government Inspection Office concerning the Student Loan Center.

As we reported, the people of the Government Audit Office (KEHI) investigated several questionable contracts at Diákhitel Központ Zrt. under the general management of Péter Magyar, from which it was found that there was no real competition in the case of some tenders, or that overpricing had occurred.

It happened that a page was made for HUF 100,000, and a slide for HUF 244,000. Earlier, independent member of parliament Ákos Hadházy raised several questions to Péter Magyar regarding the contracts of the Student Loan Center he previously led, because according to his concerns, he awarded orders worth tens of millions of forints to companies that were presumably connected to a narrow circle of acquaintances.

According to András Hont, the findings are clear

In his post, András Hont recalled the February statements made by the Tisza Party president on Partizán’s YouTube channel, where Péter Magyar also talked about how he was already living separately with Judit Varga when the people from the office showed up at his workplace, and after their relationship was settled, “the investigation was opened by all kinds of it was closed without a finding”, and also what Péter Magyar said in response to Ákos Hadházy’s suggestions, i.e. that the representative is only “accusing”.

Well, no. None of them. The investigation was conducted and the summary report made unusually clear and harsh findings. He left his post six months later. And the document is full of specifics that Hadházy had previously discussed

– wrote the publicist on his social media page.

The Tisza Party reacted like this

The Tisza Party responded to András Hont’s findings in a statement, in which Péter Magyar said that András Hont is a “transparent government propagandist” and, like András Dezső’s previous action (you can read more about it by clicking here), he may have obtained the secret document illegally. The politician complained that András Hont only highlighted a few details from the report and did not make the whole thing public.

He was not so passionate as to make the findings regarding the contracts concluded during my predecessor’s time or the one hundred million Rogán contracts public.

– Magyar wrote, adding that if any crime had occurred, the KEHI would have filed a report.

Péter Magyar also wrote about the fact that there are analyzes and surveys “whose pages cost much more than one hundred thousand forints, and in certain cases they can generate much more profit”. The chairman of the Tisza Party finally announced that the “duty whistleblower of Fidesz”, István Tényi, had already filed a complaint about the contracts, so “András Hont’s spectacular beating” was not necessary.

András Hont responded again: “Look here, pups!”

“It starts to resemble what you’re playing, like when the child goes home with the certificate, he’s already standing at the door, he knows he’ll be at his father’s in a few moments, but he still insists that he’s good. Only you push this too far, when the old man already sees that he was failed out of six, you still grind that, well, it’s all five”, András Hont sent to Péter Magyar.

The publicist complains that when the KEHI report with the findings is already out, the Tisza Party president keeps repeating that the office closed the investigation without finding any findings. “I have nothing to do with this, I don’t deal with personality disorders, but because of the already sick Hungarian public, let’s not completely eliminate facts and common sense,” added Hont.

Since the interpretation of longer texts, as I see it, causes problems, that’s why I put only your nonsense and the parts that refute it. Unfortunately, you can’t draw it, and I can’t communicate with kindergarten signs either, but I hope that your followers trained on the O1G heat cycle are not so weak that they can’t understand it

– remarked András Hont while enclosing the findings of the KEHI report.

The publicist also responded to Péter Magyar’s words to him. “You argue that, like András Dezső, we illegally obtained and made public a document. It would probably have been more elegant if we secretly recorded a conversation with one of our relatives and published it, but that’s not our style,” he told Magyar.

András Hont also informed the president of the Tisza Party about the functioning of the newspapers, drawing his attention to the fact that they obtain information and documents from such and such sources, and if the public interest dictates so, they will take them down.

How dare you claim that no complaint was filed against you, while you argue with the misguided opposition masses that they are protecting each other in the NER, everyone gets away with everything. They protected you, that’s the case. Since your operation was both pitiful and hair-raising, I guess they didn’t want to take any more risks

– he confronted Péter Magyar, adding that it was no accident that he was later put in places where he could no longer make decisions alone.

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