62-year-old beaten to death with a wooden stick in Vienna – husband arrested

The Austrian is said to have beaten the woman to death with a wooden stick on the loggia of an apartment in an apartment building. Several people witnessed the crime and alerted the police. However, an emergency doctor was unable to do anything for the victim and the 66-year-old was arrested.

The woman drew attention to herself by screaming on Friday morning. Several people heard the cries for help and some may even have observed how the man attacked the 62-year-old victim with a stick on the loggia of the apartment in Balderichgasse. They then made an emergency call. When the police arrived at the apartment around 9:40 a.m., the Austrian opened the door on his own.

“We couldn’t do anything more for them”

The professional rescue team tried to resuscitate the woman. “However, there was nothing more we could do for them,” said a spokesman. It was said that the 62-year-old succumbed to her massive injuries at the scene. The suspect allowed himself to be arrested without resistance.

Details about the specific type of murder weapon were not yet available on Friday. Whether the man had previously been known to the police is also still the subject of the investigation, as spokesman Mattias Schuster explained upon request. In any case, the suspect should be questioned as soon as possible, said Schuster. Crime scene work was still ongoing in the afternoon. The State Criminal Police Office, West branch, is investigating.

In Austria, women who experience violence can find help and information at the women’s helpline at: 0800-222-555, www.frauenhelpline.at; at the Association of Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters (AÖF). www.aoef.at as well as the women’s shelter emergency number on 057722 and the Austrian Violence Protection Centers: 0800/700-217; Police emergency number: 133 and in Upper Austria at the Autonomous Women’s Center – Women’s Emergency Call Upper Austria on 0732/602200



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