Political dialogue: Félix Tshisekedi excludes Fayulu from the debate!

While in public opinion is spreading like wildfire, the rumor according to which the initiative to imminently hold a political dialogue in the DRC – Democratic Republic of Congo – would have come from the presidential majority, the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, from Hungary where he is staying, openly indicated that such an enterprise is not one. The latter, however, reassured of his availability to reach out to anyone.

Without passing by the back of the spoon, Félix Tshisekedi clearly displays his respect for the texts governing the country, while some suspect him of wanting to walk on the laws.

“I am not at the origin of such an initiative. Because the country is not in a political crisis, to lead to a dialogue which will lead to arrangements,” he said.

And added: “We do not see the necessity or the urgency. I have always had my arms outstretched to speak with anyone. This debate concerns neither me nor our political family. There is no such initiative in the works. Those who speak of dialogue perhaps it is their willingness to speak with us.”

This clarification from the President of the Republic is a response, according to more than one observer, to the Congolese opponent Martin Fayulu, bearer of the idea of ​​dialogue. The president of ECiDé – Commitment to Citizenship and Development – considers his political recipe as a means par excellence of putting an end, according to him, to the chaos in which the country is plunged. Beyond this vast project, the latter, staying on American soil, recently accused the Kabila-Kagame-Tshisekedi trio as the origin of the instability of the DRC.


2024-10-02 07:04:22
#Political #dialogue #Félix #Tshisekedi #excludes #Fayulu #debate



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