Thibault de Montaigu, for his book Heart

Gracehis previous novel published four years ago, told the story of his uncle, a homosexual party animal who became a Franciscan monk. Thibault de Montaigu received the Prix de Flore and he continues to explore his family history in Heartat Albin Michel. This new novel, intimate and romantic, asks the question of the father-son relationship, the weight of lineages and family mythologies on our lives. The book was also selected on six lists of literary prizes, including the Goncourt and the Renaudot.

An astonishing family story

The book begins four years ago. He is with his father, old, weakened, blind and ruined, in the small studio that he and his brother bought for him. And his father gives him his signet ring, which he particularly valued. Thibault de Montaigu: It was a very strong act on his part to give me his signet ring. He said to me: ‘you know, it’s a miracle that we still have it in the family because it belonged to your great-grandfather, Louis, who died during the war of 1914 in a cavalry charge. . And it is the last charge in the history of France.’ That’s how he presents it to me. ‘He went with his saber drawn against the German cannons and machine guns to save the infantry. He’s a hero, it’s a fantastic story. I’d like you to write this story.'”

At first, Thibault de Montaigu wasn’t too interested, especially since he had another book project. But his father insists by sending him documents. He says: “This charge was an unprecedented and suicidal act in fact in many ways and no doubt there was a mystery hidden behind it as if Louis had tried to die during this charge. And there, I said to myself “Ah, there is a story, there is a novel, I am going to investigate it”.”

An investigation which makes him discover similarities

There is also a three-year gap in the biography of this great-grandfather, hero of the family, and one wonders if he did not commit suicide in this last cavalry charge of the war. . Obviously, when we start to investigate, we discover family secrets and some which perhaps are passed down from generation to generation.

By doing this investigative work over several years, in the trunks, on the Internet or in the military archives of Vincennes, this man, this great-grandfather, takes shape, and Thibault de Montaigu understands that all the men in the family, That is to say, Louis, his great-grandfather, his son Hubert, his father Emmanuel, and perhaps himself look quite similar. In any case, they are all flamboyant, well born, promised radiant, ambitious futures. They dream of glory and they all missed out on glory and true success. That is to say, Louis will fail the Saint-Cyr competitive exam, and his father will fail at Polytechnique. They are all haunted and pursued by failure.

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