look back on his multifaceted career

Published on 04/10/2024 11:35

Video length: 3 min

Michel Blanc Michel Blanc (franceinfo)

Michel Blanc also knew how to use his complexes and his writing talent to explore disenchantment and shape the characters in his films.

Unbearable Jean-Claude Dusse in The Bronzeda major actor in comedic cinema in the 1980s before moving towards dramatic roles and a career as a director… Michel Blanc’s career in cinema has many facets. The actor and director died at the age of 72 on the night of Thursday to Friday October 4.

>> Follow reactions to the death of Michel Blanc in our live stream

In these first films, Michel Blanc created a comic archetype, that of the skinny, mustachioed bald man as exasperating as he was endearing, which would then stick to him. A hard worker, a perfectionist, Michel Blanc also knew how to use his complexes and his writing talent to explore disenchantment and shape the characters in his films, particularly those he had directed as Severe Fatigue (1994) et Kiss whoever you want (2002). A look back, in pictures, at the long career of Michel Blanc.



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