Market Pass: A triple installment of up to 300 euros is coming in early October

It will be paid in one installment at the beginning of October the full amount of the market pass which reaches up to 300 euros in millions of households.

The extension given to the submission of tax returns until the end of August goes further back the process of cross-checking the incomes from which the final beneficiaries of the benefit will emerge. The re-evaluation of the beneficiaries will take place at the beginning of September when the platform will be opened for the submission of applications from those who have not received the allowance. The time of payment of the market pass may concern the months of August, September and October but the payment of the allowance is estimated to be completed in one installment.

When the curtain falls on the tax declarations, the process of evaluating the beneficiaries of the aid will begin based on the incomes of 2022, i.e. the declarations submitted this year. Those who received the market pass in the past do not need to reapply and will be reassessed based on their 2022 declared income.

So it is estimated that there will be rearrangementsas a number of the old ones will be left out, while there will be new ones as well.

Those who had not applied in the past, either because they did not meet the criteria or because they neglected to do so, should submit applications on the platform which is estimated to be opened after the completion of the submission of statements.

The amount of the allowance and the criteria for its payment remain the same. That is, the amount of the aid is 10% of the monthly amount of purchases, which is 220 euros for a single-member household, plus 100 euros for each additional member up to 1,000 euros of purchases. The criteria also remain the same, income (up to 16,000 euros for singles, 24,000 euros for married plus 5,000 euros for each child after the first) and assets (up to 250,000 euros for singles, 400,000 euros for married).

Digital payments

The financial assistance is tax-free, non-assignable and non-seizable, is not subject to any withholding, fee or levy, is not tied to and is not offset against confirmed debts to the State, insurance funds or banks and is not counted against the income limits for the payment of any social benefit or of a welfare nature.

The aid is granted to a digital debit card or to a bank account. In case the beneficiary chooses the digital card, the aid can be used for purchases in food stores and street markets. Also, the digital debit card will remain activated until December 31, 2023. If the beneficiary chooses credit to a bank account, he will receive 80% of the aid, which can be used without restrictions.

#Market #Pass #triple #installment #euros #coming #early #October



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