How to get rid of heartburn?

According to him, whole grain groats, such as oats, bulgur, and brown rice, should be eaten, as well as carrots, beets, zucchini, asparagus, broccoli, green beans, and non-citrus fruits, because these products contain a high percentage of dietary fiber that makes a person feel full for a long time and thus avoid excessive intake. Food that causes heartburn.

The professor points out that stomach acidity can be neutralized by eating basic products – cauliflower, yellow watermelon, bananas and nuts.

According to him, diet plays an important role in controlling the appearance of heartburn symptoms, so it is considered the first line of prevention and treatment.

It is attributed to foods that “trigger” heartburn, fatty foods, salt and spices: fatty meats, fast food, potato chips, pizza, smoked sausages, hot spices and sauces. Citrus fruits, vegetables, sour fruits, coffee, soft drinks, garlic, onions, radishes, chocolate, sweets, and pickled foods can also cause heartburn.

The professor points out that smoking stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which increases the acidity of gastric juice. Tobacco smoke also causes irritation and microburns in the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

It is recommended not to drink water, tea or coffee immediately after eating.

Source: Novosti

#rid #heartburn
2024-10-04 15:03:26



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