Alert! In Venezuela, 10 women die every day from breast cancer

According to the figures released by the Anticancer Society of Venezuela, 3,700 women of the 9,000 diagnosed with breast cancer so far in 2024 they have died.

The president of the institution Cono Gumina reported that the incidence and mortality increased by 30% since 2020.

Late diagnoses, lack of access to treatments, costs of medications and supplies are some of the causes for the increase in cases of cancer patients.

The Anticancer Society reported that the cases with the highest incidence and mortality are from the Capital District, La Guaira, Sucre, MonagasZulia and Aragua, assure that today more than ever is done necessary dissemination of information and prevention.

Juan Saavedra. General Manager of the Anticancer Society said that “in Venezuela, ten women die every day from breast cancer and 25 women are diagnosed with this disease every day.”

Saavedra regrets that the incidence reduces the years of life in women who are diagnosed younger and younger, “The new cases that occur each year are between 25 to 44 years of age, immediately in 45 to 55 years we have the highest peak of mortality from cervical cancer and almost the same thing is happening in breast.”

From October 2nd to November 9th, the Anticancer Society It will have various activities to raise awareness in society about the importance of preventing different types of cancer.

This month they will specifically focus on women’s health and breast cancer prevention. They reported that they require more funding to be able to continue with research in rural communities as they have the only traveling mammographer in the country, all the information on these activities and how you You can collaborate on the social networks of the Anticancer Society of Venezuela

Rotary Guarapiche San Simón will carry out a walk for the Pink Month this October 6

#Alert #Venezuela #women #die #day #breast #cancer
2024-10-04 07:16:58



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