Three “very bad” films at Cinema Modernissimo presented (and commented aloud) by Paolo Cevoli

From 7 to 21 October (for three Mondays) we will be at Cinema Modernissimo The very ugly ones. That is: reasoned screenings of films that were intended to be masterpieces but which, either due to lack of means, or due to total inability, or due to both things together, turned out to be “crazy shit”. Paolo Cevoli guides us, with the extraordinary participation of Duilio Pizzocchi, Andrea Vasumi and Lorenzo Lanzoni in the part of “Gnegno”.

And if once upon a time there were “I Bellissimi” from Rete4, now the very ugly. What are they? They are objectively poorly made films either due to a lack of budget or a lack of time and competence. The proceeds from the evenings (which aim to revive what the cinema of the past was) will go to Father Marella’s work.

Film and entertainment with Paolo Cevoli, Duilio Pizzocchi, Andrea Vasumi and Lorenzo Lanzoni. Introduction by Andrea Meneghelli (Head of the Film Archive – Cineteca di Bologna)

Monday 7 October

That is: Superheroes in long johns
THE TRIUMPH OF MACISTE (Italy/1961) by Amerigo Anton
The imperishable Tanio Boccia (who for the occasion softens his name by passing himself off as Amerigo Anton), grappling with the blockbuster mythological sandal genre (there are 50 extras!), does not betray. Ancient Memphis becomes a theater of the absurd, where dreams (or nightmares, if you prefer) are made of papier-mâché. The expressive biceps (more than the face) of Kirk Morris take care of putting the terrible queen (a Yugoslav national basketball player in her free time), dedicated to the sacrifice of virgins, in her place. That would be Adriano Bellini, former gondolier of Venice.
(Text by Andrea Meneghelli)

Monday 14 October

Or rather: James Bond punches me
UPPERSEVEN – THE MAN TO KILL (Italy-RFT/1966) by Alberto De Martino
For the “secret super agents of noantri” series, Upperseven declares itself a shoulder above 007 even in its name. Like his more famous colleague with a license to kill, he loves to create havoc in a string of more or less exotic locations, he causes havoc with his beautiful daughters, he shows off a gadget for every occasion. Plus, he’s a dragon of facial disguises. His enemy? The very evil Kobras (Nando Gazzolo!), who would even sell his mother (and let alone Africa) to become master of the world.
(Text by Andrea Meneghelli)

Monday 21 October

That is: After the catastrophe only the best survive
PREDATORS OF THE YEAR OMEGA (Italy-USA/1984) by David Worth
“In a world devastated by radiation (don’t fool yourself, the scenes are probably filmed on the highway in Versilia) the Earth is dominated by the evil Prossor, who has established an evil dominion over the people. The few free tribes are little more than beggars fighting for survival. Be ready because you will not be able to control your reactions. Unfortunately, it is really difficult to convey the idea of ​​the foolishness of this film. An unmissable film for b-action enthusiasts, an irreplaceable vision for followers of self-punishment”.



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