They open files to Cubans to search for documents

The Community of Madrid, the Spanish capital, created a new formula for Cubans to access the archives of their consulates on the island until 1918 and thus, with the documents they find, access Spanish nationality through the Law of Grandchildren or Law of Democratic Memory (LMD).

The Historical Archive of Protocols of Madrid led an initiative to make it easier for Cuban citizens to apply for Spanish nationality, providing the necessary documentation to prove their origins.

Cubans interested in starting the procedures to obtain Spanish nationality will now be able to access key information about their ancestors through the Archives Portal of the Community of Madrid.

This initiative of the Historical Archive of Protocols of Madrid makes the Records of Cuban Consulates available to applicants, allowing them to locate the necessary references and access documents that prove their Spanish roots.

The information available includes digital images of the documents and covers a total of 95 Records of Consulates of Cuban cities such as Caibarién, Camagüey, Cienfuegos, Guantánamo, Holguín, Havana, Manzanillo, Matanzas, Nuevitas, Pinar del Río, Puerto Príncipe, Santa Clara and Santiago de Cuba, with dates that They range from 1899 to 1918.

Cubans, among those who most access the Grandchildren Law

According to the information, the Madrid Historical Archive of Protocols aims to continue expanding this project to incorporate the Consulate Records of other American cities, which could contain relevant information for the accreditation of Spanish origins.

This archive guards the so-called Registries of Spanish Consulates abroad, which contain public deeds authorized by Spanish consuls, who acted as notaries.

In addition to offering legal assistance and protection to Spanish citizens abroad, the consuls were responsible for processing legal documents and exercising notarial functions, which are reflected in the Consulate Records.

The deeds signed by the consuls have the same validity as the notarial ones and can be used for legal purposes in Spain, as is the case of obtaining citizenship through the Law of Grandchildren.

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